
    The building layers 9 floors above ground level fire resistance rating of 2, the design life of 50 years, reinforced concrete frame structure, seismic intensity of 6 degrees, water level II grade roofing, waterproofing materials useful life of 10 years. Construction area of 12,233.3 square meters, construction area of 1314 square meters base, building height of 34.7 meters. Belong to high-rise buildings.

    This project apartment building from the nearest other building's exterior is 15m> 9m, it is to meet the "Building Regulations" specified in 5.2.2, of tall buildings and other buildings for fire protection requirements greater than the spacing of 9m.

    According to the actual situation of the project, the project road area dealers were more than equal to 4m, fire road slope of less than 8%, so the use of the existing road as a fire ring track to meet the requirements.

    Fire-resistant building plan designed according to the structure and purpose and the corresponding specifications of the building, the design project apartments on each floor area is not more than 1500 square meters, so each floor is pided horizontally into a fire district, the vertical direction of each of a fire partition.

    The design of the safe evacuation route for the export of security in an amount of 3, the width of the security for export were 2.1m and 1.5m. Evacuation corridors and staircases net width greater than 1.10m, calculated from the safe evacuation also meet the "Building Regulations" requirements. Design using stairwell stairwell as the type of the building.

    Outdoor fire hydrant water for the 15L / s, set two outdoor low-voltage ground hydrant. Fire hydrant water for the 20L / s, fire hydrant protection radius 28.2m, fire hydrant spacing arrangement 20m, buildings were set five risers. Fire pump head is required 69m, flow 24.12L / s, choose XBD8.4 / 25-100 models a fire pump, the fire pump head 0.84MPa, flow 25L / s, speed 2900r / min, power 22KW, the use of a with a prepared set fire pump adapter 2. Design set a fire pond, effective volume of 208m3.

    Apartment building each floor is pided into three smoke partitions, and each smoke partition area less than 500m2. Using natural ventilation design approach, the window can be opened outside the area after checking compliance with the requirements. Natural smoke window disposed above the outer wall of the room, and also has easy opening means.

    The project set up automatic fire extinguishing system, and wet automatic sprinkler system. Spray pump head 43.07m, flow 13.34L / s, the choice of models CDL65-30-1 a fire pump, head 53m, rated flow 18.2L / s, power 15KW, use one with a prepared. Fire water fire water fire hydrant water supply system design and sprinkler systems combined, fire-fighting total effective volume of 305m3.

    This project uses regional alarm system, the choice of thermal detectors. Entire apartment buildings were set up 500 detectors, fire control room located in the building floor.

    Hazard Level design objects for the dangerous level, the main types of fire Class A fires, there is a class E fires at the same time. Design configuration ammonium phosphate dry powder portable fire extinguisher (MF / ABC4), each with a fire extinguisher minimum configuration level is 2A, maximum protection distance of 20m. The entire building complex has 63 fire extinguishers set point, you need to configure 126 4kg portable MF / ABC4 fire extinguishers.

    Key words: high-rise building; Multifunction office building; fire protection system design; configuration of fire extinguisher; hydrant system; automatic sprinkler systems; automatic fire alarm system

    目  录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 工程概况 1

    1.2 国内高层建筑消防的安全现状和设计重点 1

    1.2.1 国内建筑消防安全现状

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