



    毕业论文关键词:深基坑; 支护结构; 挡土结构; 混凝土支撑; 钻孔灌注

     Abstract The proposed project is located in Suzhou City Pingjiang Su Station Road to the north, east of Grass road block, the proposed project south of the Suzhou Railway Station, built by the Soviet Union in the west side of Station Road, north of Square, north of Harmony Street, from the west side of the planned Metro Line 4, the nearest about 130m, from the east side of planning the nearest subway line 2 of about 120m. works by Suzhou Ping Jiang Dragon Real Estate Co., Ltd. built. The project construction (structures), including a 24-storey main building, 100 meters high, with frame - core tube structure, located ground floor equipment room; podium five layer disposed story underground garage. Pit area of about 20000m2, circumference of approximately 550m.

    Considering of the geologic environment, excavation depth of the foundation pit, to create an safe and dry surroundings for the earth work and basement, we carry out the design in control of displacement deformation, in order to keep  main traffic roads and buildings safe and to protect pipelines of water, electricity and coal gas below the surface well. 

    The spirit of "safe, reliable, economical, technically feasible, convenient construction" principle, will pit into northern and southern sections and stuff segment, north and south sections using a row of bored piles as retaining structures, stuff section adopts a row Bored pile and grading as a retaining structure. Reinforced concrete support structure as a support system. Surrounded by deep mixing pile foundation as a waterproof curtain. Inside the pit using deep well dewatering.

    Key words: Foundation pit; Bracing structure; Retaining structure;Steel concrete support; Nondisplacement pile 


    第一章 绪论 - 1 -

    1.1  选题的目的与意义 - 1 -

    1.1.1选题的目的 - 1 -

    1.1.2选题的意义 - 1 -

    1.2  深基坑工程技术发展概况 - 1 -

    1.2.1基坑工程的概念及特点 - 2 -

    1.2.2我国深基坑工程的主要特点及存在的问题 - 2 -

    1.2.3基坑工程技术的发展趋势 - 4 -

    第二章 围护设计说明 - 5 -

    2.1  工程概况 - 5 -

    2.1.1  一般概况

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