


    毕业论文关键词  空调系统、展示中心、建筑耗能、工程设计、节能


    Title    an air conditioner engineering design of an exhibition in taizhou 

    Abstract With the progress of science and technology and our living standard, air conditioning system gets more and more attention from people. The building is to a human body, then, building air conditioning system is to a human respiratory system . However, air-conditioning system energy consumption accounted for the majority of building energy consumption. It is understood that, Countries to vigorously promote energy conservation and emissions reduction during the period of “十二五”, Only the central air conditioning system construction accounted for about 40% of building energy consumption.

    In such a hot summer, We all appreciate the vital tension of electricity.

    This design is for a multi-functional exhibition center air-conditioning systems engineering . There are two area of about 4,000 square meters which is used for exhibition center.All the office are on the third and forth floor.Because of the irregular windows,the calculation becomes harder.On the same time,in order to response the call of the national energy, we make certain energy-saving and energy-saving design thinking here.

    1工程概况 2

    1.2 设计依据 3

    1.2.1 设计目的 3

    1.2.2设计任务及要求 3

    1.2.4 设计规范与标准 3

    2、空调负荷计算 4

    2.1.1 室内空气设计参数 5

    2.1.2 空调室外空气计算参数 5

    2.2 空调新风量的确定 5

    2.3 空调冷负荷计算 6

    2.3.1 外墙传热冷负荷 6

    2.3.2  透过玻璃窗和玻璃门,玻璃墙日射得热。 8

    2.3.3 人体散热形成的冷负荷 8

    2.3.4 空调夏季新风负荷计算 10

    2.4 湿负荷计算 11

    2.4.1 人体散湿量 11

    2.4.2 敞开水表面散湿量

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