

        本设计采用风冷式热泵作为空调冷热源。空调方式,高大空间如比赛场地、羽毛球场、训练馆等采用全空气系统,办公室、休息室等采用了风机盘管加独立 新风系统。全空气系统选用圆型散流器平射流形式,而风机盘管加独立新风系统 有百叶风口侧送的形式。水系统采用闭式水平同程垂直异程。卫生间通风统一由 排风扇接出,在末端安装止回阀。楼梯间采用正压送风系统;地下室、设备房设 置防排烟系统,选用变速风机,平时排风,发生火灾时排烟;中庭采用机械排烟 系统。66185

    毕业论文关键字:全空气系统 风机盘管+独立新风系统 防排烟


    Title      Abstract   desigh                 


    Abstract   This project for a gymnasium in chongqing, the museum building covers an area of 1546.71 m2, total construction area of 20907 m2, building area is 5359 m2, building a total height of 32 m. According to indoor temperature and humidity requirements, pided into the constant temperature and humidity air conditioning central air conditioning design and the comfort air conditioning.

             This design adopts the air-cooled heat pump air conditioning cold and heat source. Air conditioning mode, large space such as venue, badminton courts, such as training venue with full air system, office, lounge, etc. The fan coil plus fresh air system independently. Complete air system chooses circular diffuser is flat pattern, and fan coil plus fresh air system independently with shutter tuyere side to send the form. Water system adopts closed horizontal to vertical vision cheng cheng. Bathroom ventilation is unified by the fan out, the check valve installed in the end. Stair adopt positive pressure air supply system; Basement, equipment room have smoke control system, selects the variable speed fan, ventilation, fire smoke exhaust; The atrium with mechanical smoke exhaust system.

    Key words: all air system, fan coil plus independent fresh air system, smoke control

    目 录

    第 1 章 设计基础资料 3

    1.1 工程概况 3

    1.2 设计依据 3

    1.3 空调设计参数 3

    1.3.2 室内设计参数 4

    1.4 土建资料 4

    第 2 章 负荷计算 5

    2.1 冷负荷理论 5

    2.1.2.房间湿负荷的构成: 5

    2.1.3 主要计算公式: 5

    2.2.冷负荷计算举例 9

    第 3 章 空调系统方案的确定 11

    3.1 空调水系统的选取 12

    3.2 空调风系统的选取 14

    3.3. 系统选择 16

    3.4 新风系统

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