




    毕业论文关键词:半柔性路面材料 水泥胶浆 沥青混合料 配合比 性能 

    ABSTRACT  With the economic develop rapidly, the rapid development of highway construction. Road network increasingly dense, covering the whole country. Especially the large increase in highway construction, traffic volume and axle load is also growing rapidly. So the strength and stability of the pavement materials have higher requirements than before. Traditional asphalt concrete and cement concrete pavement materials have not been able to meet the growing demand for increasing performance of pavement materials, their shortcomings are more obvious. High-performance semi-flexible pavement materials emerged. As a new type of pavement materials,it has the advantages of two traditional pavement materials and avoid the disadvantages of them, which can well meet the requirements of pavement material under the current pressure.

        Semi-flexible pavement is a kind of a new composite pavement structure, which filled the cement mortar into the open-graded large pores asphalt mixture. It has the advantages of asphalt and cement concrete pavement,with the better flexible than cement concrete and the higher rigidity than asphalt concrete. Its material structure belongs to the skeleton - dense structure, asphalt as its base belongs to the skeleton - gap structure. Semi-flexible pavement has been widely used in Japan, United States and some European countries. Due to the restrictions of technology, the research of the semi-flexible pavement is still in the exploratory stage in China. As existing the unsolved problems of cement mortar permeability and shrinkage characteristics can not be taken into account, the compatibility of large gap matrix asphalt bitumen interface and cement mortar,is poor, and roads easy to crack in the study of semi-flexible pavement,  it does not promote to use in a large area.      

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