
    摘要:当前,在国际建筑行业上新兴起的BIM( building information model) 技术已成为建设领域信息技术的研究热点,出现了一波BIM应用的高潮,而且越来越高涨。BIM 的应用价值已经得到政府的高度关注和建筑、施工等行业的认可。BIM 技术迅速发展并得以推广,相信在未来 BIM 技术将广泛应用于建筑工程全寿命周期中去。57331

     本次设计从工程项目的施工过程常见问题着手,对传统的施工过程、管理方法同采用基于 BIM 虚拟建造技术的施工过程管理方法进行比较,在此基础上,阐述了采取基于 BIM 虚拟建造技术进行施工过程管理的优越性及可行性。

        本次设计团队课题为:贵阳国际城E2应用BIM 虚拟建造, 团队课题主要任务是运用 BIM技术完成对贵阳国际城E2项目的建模、造价以及施工过程的模拟工作。而我在本次设计中主要负责施工过程模拟这一块。

    毕业论文关键词: BIM;虚拟建造;工程项目;施工过程模拟;施工组织设计

    Discipline building BIM cost control

    Abstract: At present, in the international construction industry the rise of a new BIM (building information model) technology has become research hotspot of information technology in the field of construction, the climax of a wave of BIM application, but also more and more high high attention has been the government.BIM application value and building and construction industry recognized.BIM technology rapidly and can be extended, I believe in the future BIM Technology will be widely used in the life cycle of the construction project.

    This design from the engineering project of the construction of the common problems in the course of start of the traditional construction process and management method with the BIM virtual construction technology of construction process management method based on comparison, on this basis, expounds the taken based on BIM virtual construction technology of the superiority and feasibility of process management.

     The design of the team project: Guiyang international city E2 BIM application of virtual construction, the main task of the team project is based on BIM Technology complete modeling of Guiyang city of international of E2 project, cost and construction process simulation work. And I in this design is mainly responsible for construction process of a simulation.

    KeyWords:BIM;The virtual construction;Project;Construction process simulatio;Construction organization design 


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 背景和依据 1

    1.2 课题的研究思路 1

    2 贵阳国际城E2应用BIM 虚拟建造设计要求 2

    2.1 课题内容要求 2

    2.2 课题软件要求 2

    3 贵阳国际城E2应用 BIM 虚拟建造设计介绍 3

    3.1 团队课题介绍 3

    3.2 学科楼工程概况 3

    3.3 BIM 软件应用 3

    3.3.1 Revit 建模软件 4

    3.3.2 施工现场三维平面布置软件 4

    3.3.3 Project 进度计划软件 4

    3.3.4 鲁班土建算量软件 4

    3.3.5 鲁班钢筋建模软件 4

    3.3.6 鲁班造价工程计价软件 4

    3.3.7 鲁班施工、鲁班MC等BIM 5D 虚拟建造软件 4

    4 贵阳国际城E2应用BIM 设计操作过程

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