


    毕业论文关键词  全空气系统  风机盘管加独立新风系统  


    Title     A hotel air conditioning design  of Ningbo City               

    Abstract A hotel located in Ningbo City that latitude is 29°52. The climate in Ningbo city is that when the summer is hot and winter is cold. The market structure is that there are two floors in the underground and seventeen floors on the ground. Its area is 22515 square meter, its height is 68.1 meters. Going on the ventilation and air conditioning engineering design according to buildings and the local climate characteristics, which is including the design of the air system, water system and the cold and heat source and so on.

     The design uses a water cooled screw chillers for air-conditioning cold source, gas boiler as a heat source.  Conditioning mode, up spaces such as shopping malls, halls, etc. with full air system; offices, hotel rooms, etc. using an independent fan coil air system. All-air systems use flat square diffuser jets form rather independent fan coil air system uses Louver side to send the form. Water system with closed horizontal vertical DRS. Wei stairwell positive pressure air supply system; hallway with mechanical exhaust system.

    Keywords  All-air system  Fan-coil independent open air system

    1 概论 1

    1.1  工程概况 1

    1.2  设计依据 1

    1.2.1  设计目的 1

    1.2.2  设计任务及要求 1

    1.2.3  设计范围 1

    1.2.4  设计规范与标准 1

    2  空调负荷计算 2

    2.1  空调室内、外计算参数 2

    2.1.1  室内空气设计参数 2

    2.1.2  空调室外空气计算参数 2

    2.2  空调新风量的确定 2

    2.3  空调冷负荷计算 2

    2.3.1  维护结构瞬变传热引成的冷负荷 2

    2.3.2  透过玻璃窗的日射得热引成的冷负荷 4

    2.3.3  室内热源散热引成的冷负荷 5

    2.3.4  照明设备冷负荷 5

    2.3.5  空调夏季新风负荷计算 5

    2.4  湿负荷计算 6

    2.4.1  人体散湿量 6

    2.4.2  食物湿负荷 6

    2.5  空调热负荷计算

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