

    毕业论文关键词  供暖  通风  空气调节


    Title   _______Air condition system design in a Beijing university library____________              

    Abstract The graduation design is an important practical aspect of the undergraduate teaching plan ,and is the important stage of combining the college courses study and practice.Heating, ventilation and air conditioning engineering is an indispensable component of the basic building field,and has a very important role in the rational use of resources,energy conservation,environmental protection,protection of working conditions and improving quality of life.The graduation of a design project for a Beijing university library air conditioning system design,the design includes ventilation and

    air conditioning, winter heating, and the necessary smoke.Specific design elements are: air conditioning in summer and winter heating load calculation, cold and heat source system design, system partitioning and manner determined, calculation and equipment selection, calculation and design of wind systems, calculation and design of water systems, smoke control system design, building ventilation design.Design content is based on national standards, full account of energy-saving and environmental protection.

    Keywords    Heating    Ventilation    Air conditioning 

    目  次

    1 概论 1

    1.1 工程概况 1

    1.2 设计依据 1

    2 空调负荷计算 2

    2.1 空调室内、外计算参数 2

    2.2 空调新风量的确定 2

    2.3 空调冷负荷计算 2

    2.4 湿负荷计算 4

    2.5 空调热负荷计算 4

    2.6 空调负荷计算结果汇总与分析 4

    3 空调系统冷热源的设计 5

    3.1 冷热源系统设计的一般要求 5

    3.2 空调冷热源的分类 5

    3.3 常用空调冷热源的特点 5

    3.4 空调冷热源方案的确定 6

    3.5 空调冷热源机房的设计 7

    4 空调方式的设计 8

    4.1 建筑功能特点及典型空调方式 8

    4.2 空调方式确定与系统划分 8

    4.3 典型区域的空调方式设计 8

    5 空气处理设备设计与选型

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