
    摘要本毕业设计题目为某图书大厦的建筑与结构设计,抗震设防烈度为7度,场地土为1类,框架抗震等级为三级。综合考虑建筑设计和结构抗震设计后,建筑布置采用了较为规则的建筑体型。结构计算的内容包括楼板、次梁、楼梯、框架及基础。在结构计算过程中选取了纵向一榀框架进行内力分析,内力计算时考虑了抗震设防的要求,求出梁柱的内力最不利组合,按一般的钢筋混凝土构件计算方法进行正截面配筋计算。斜截面应符合剪压比的限制、强剪弱弯原则和满足受剪承载力验算。对于柱,还验算了轴压比的限制,遵循强柱弱梁原则。最后还按照“强节点弱构件”的原则进行框架节点的设计。基础的设计是基于PKPM建模并导出基础顶面内力的情况下进行单向偏压设计。 65346

    毕业论文关键词:建筑设计  结构设计  框架结构  抗震验算    


    Title  The architectural and structural design of a book building


    The civil engineering graduation design is the architectural and structural design of a book building. The earthquake establishes to defend the earthquake intensity is 7 degrees, the type of soil is 1, Seismic level of Framework is 3. Considering the architectural design and structural seismic design, the construction layout of the building use a more regular shape. Structural calculations include floor, sub-beams, staircases , framework and foundation. In the course of structure calculation, selected a   vertical frame for internal force analysis. Internal force calculation should be considered seismic requirements. Obtained the most adverse combination of internal forces of the beams and columns,then,reinforced the cross-sections by the general method of calculation of reinforced concrete structures. Oblique section should be in line with the shear compression ratio limit、the principle of strong shear weak bending and meet the shear strength checking. The column,also need to check the limitations of axial compression ratio and obey the principle of strong column weak beam.Finally, design the framework of the node in accordance with the principle of strong node weak component .Foundation design is based on PKPM modeling and export top surface force ,then,use the one-way biasing design.

    Keywords :Architectural Design  Structural Design  Frame Structure  Earthquake Resistant Design

    目 次

    1  课题简介 1

    2  建筑设计说明 1

    2.1  工程概况 1

    2.2  工程要求 2

    2.3  建筑设计说明 2

    2.3.1  建筑平面 2

    2.3.2  建筑立面 2

    2.3.3  建筑剖面 2

    3  结构设计 6

    3.1  结构设计与分析概述 6

    3.1.1  上部结构的设计 6

    3.1.2  基础的设计 6

    3.2  设计内容 7

    3.3  三层楼盖设计 7

    3.3.1  板的计算 7

    3.3.2  次梁的设计 16

    3.4  楼梯设计 26

    3.4.1  梯段板设计 26

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