


    毕业论文关键词  中央空调系统、土壤源热泵、风机盘管、新风系统


    Title  A Comprehensive Building Air Conditioning Design in Jinan              


    This design is about air conditioning design of a comprehensive building that locates in Jinan. There are two stories underground and twenty stories on.

    The total floor area is 38800 m2 and its main function room is mall office building and residential area. Among them, the shopping malls and office buildings use air conditioning, but residential area only need winter heating. 

    Air conditioning area mainly adopts a return air and fan coil plus with fresh air system independently. Especially ,the fresh air of fan-profile and fresh air is processed to the point whose heat content is the same to the indoor

    and it does not hear the load of room.

    The hot and cold source of air conditioning is ground-source heat pump plus water chiller. Ground-source heat pump is a kind of high efficiency and energy saving air conditioning system using simple layer of geothermal resources of underground to heat and cool. It possesses the advantages of low operating costs, highly automated and environment friendly. The design meets relevant specification and the requirements of energy conservation and comfort. Ultimately it achieves the purpose of improving the indoor environment.

    Keywords  Central Air Conditioning System, Ground-source Heat Pump, Fan Coil Unit, Central Ventilation System

    目 录

    1  绪论 3

    1.1  工程概况 3

    1.2  设计依据 3

    2  空调负荷计算 4

    2.1  空调室内、外计算参数 4

    2.2  空调冷负荷 6

    2.3  空调湿负荷 8

    2.4  空调热负荷 9

    2.5  空调计算结果汇总与分析 11

    3  空调系统冷热源的设计 15

    3.1  常见的冷热源系统 15

    3.2  冷热源系统的确定 16

    3.3  冷冻机房的设计 18

    4  空调方式的设计 23

    4.1  商场的空调系统设计 23

    4.2  写字楼的空调系统设计 23

    5  空调风系统的设计 24

    5.1  送风量的确定 24

    5.2  空调机组的选型

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