    摘要:随着网络的高速发展,电脑上网已慢慢融入大众人们的生活中,并且占据着重要作用。据《第32次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,截至 2013年6月底,我国网民数量已达5.91 亿,最新数据统计新增网民 2656 万人。互联网覆盖率为44.1%,较 2012年底提升。巨大的网民基数与网购用户基数的快速增长,加之由社会科学文献出版社出版的2009年就业蓝皮书《中国大学毕业生就业报告(2009)》指出,2008届大学毕业生毕业半年后的就业率约为86%,比2007届大学生毕业就业率下降了。大学生“就业难”问题日益突出,引起全社会广泛关注。随着网络经济崛起,网络创业成为解决大学生就业问题的一个重要渠道和平台,所以网络创业成为很多大学生自主创业者的首选,然而其中也蕴含着一系列的的问题和风险。网络创业是在信息化时代产生的一种新型的创业形式。因此如何通过研究他人的网络创业模式,选择一种网络创业的模式,制定相关的创业方案,模拟创业过程中遇见的风险,以达到控制防范网络创业风险。21290
    Countermeasure research network business risk prevention of College Students
    Abstract: with the continuous development of network, the Internet has become an indispensable part of public life. According to the "report" thirty-second China Internet development status display, as of the end of 2013 6, the scale of China's Internet users reached 591000000, a total of 26560000 new users who first half of the year. Internet penetration rate of 44.1%, improved 2 percentage points compared to the end of 2012. The rapid growth of large base of Internet users and online shopping user base, and by social science document publishing house 2009 employment blue 
    book "China university graduates employment report (2009)" pointed out, the 2008 university graduates six months after graduation, the employment rate is about 86%, more than 2007 session of university graduates employment rate declined by 2 percentage points. College students "difficult employment" problems have become increasingly prominent, caused extensive concern of the whole society. With the development of network economy, network business has become an important channel and platform to solve the employment problem of college students, so the network business for many college students entrepreneurial choice, however, which also contains a series of problems and risks. The network does pioneering work is a kind of new business form in the information age. Therefore, how to through the network business model research of others, to select a network business model, develop business plan related risk simulation, met in the entrepreneurial process, in order to control the business risk prevention network.
    Keywords: College Students; Network Business; Risk Prevention; Risk Management
    一、研究背景    1
    (一)大学生网络创业背景下风险防范对策研究是必然趋势    1
    (二)大学生网上开店背景下风险防范对策研究是现实需求    2
    二、研究回顾    3
    (一)研究结果    3
    (二)文献综述    4
    三、大学生网络创业的现状    5
    (一)大学生网络创业的背景    5
    1、缓解大学生就业压力的需要    5
    2、网络经济的兴起    5
    3、大学生实现自我发展的需要    5
    (二)大学生网络创业的意义    6
    (三)大学生网络创业的资源优势    6
    1、大学生们对网络市场的理解    6
    2、大学生网络创业更加创意,活跃    6
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