


    Abstract: With the improvement of women's social status and income, women's right to say in the tourism holiday is rising. Therefore, in recent years, female tourists have become an important concern of tourism researchers. The female tourism market of college students is an important part of the female tourism market, female college students is a new generation of knowledge-based women and a rising star of women, with destiny in their hands. The author, with an open mind, studies the previous exploration and analysis, concludes the female tourists' travel behavior characteristics, and on this basis, continue to investigate the female college students tourism groups. The author in the Huaiyin Normal University issued a questionnaire, setting up 17 subjective and objective questions, asked the survey object on travel time, travel times, transportation and other issues, the data was collected and analyzed. Based on the analysis of the data, the characteristics of the female college students' tourism consumption groups are obtained. Finally, the author puts forward personal ideas on product strategy, promotion strategy, price strategy and so on.

    Key words: Female tourism, female college students tourism 


    1  前言 3

    2  中国女性旅游 3

    2.1  概念 3

    2.2  中国女性旅游行为特征 3

    2.2.1  女性旅游者出游率及消费水平 3

    2.2.2  女性旅游者消费结构 4

    2.2.3  女性旅游者出游动机 4

    2.2.4  女性旅游者的体验评价 5

    3  高校女大学生旅游问卷调查分析 5

    3.1  调查对象专业 5

    3.2 调查对象的出游方式及时间 6

    3.3  调查对象的交通方式选择 7

    3.4  调查对象的出游动机 7

    3.5  调查对象的旅游消费 7

    3.6  调查对象信息获取渠道 8

    3.7  近郊游分析 9

    4  结论与对策 9

    4.1  产品策略 9

    4.2  促销策略 10

    4.3  价格策略 10

    4.4  安全、卫生保障 11


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