    A Study of The Management of The Front-line Staff Circulating in Manufacturing Enterprises ──Shanghai Yaotu Automobile parts Co.,Ltd as an Example
    Abstract:With the rapid development of economic globalization,the developed capitalist countries gradually transfer a large number of labor-intensive manufacturing industry to the developing countries.Employees at the grass-roots level of our country played an important role for manufacturing enterprises.Reasonable employee turnover can promote the benign development of the enterprise.If it is not reasonable  Staff Circulating can bring about obstacles to the sustainable development of enterprises.It is necessary for any of the manufacturing enterprise to have a relatively stable front-line staff team. In this paper,the author fixes the key of the front-line staff of manufacturing enterprises.Through the understanding of the concept of employee turnover, and the composition of employee turnover and the fluence factors of management of staff circulating, put forward the effective measures to improve management of staff circulating.By researching and analyzing the case, provide an effective reference to Manufacturing Enterprises.
    Keywords: Manufacturing Enterprises;Front-line Staff;Staff Circulating Management
    一、引言    1
    (一) 研究背景    1
    (二) 研究内容    1
    (三) 研究意义    2
    二、研究综述    2
    (一) 国内外研究综述    2
    (二) 研究评价    3
    三、制造型企业一线员工流动管理概述    5
    (一) 一线员工的定义和基本特征    5
    (二) 企业员工流动的概述    5
    (三) 企业员工流动的原因    6
    (四) 企业员工流动管理的概念    7
    (五) 企业员工流动管理的相关理论    8
    四、上海耀途汽车零部件有限公司员工流动案例分析    10
    (一) 企业概况    10
    (二) 企业员工流动管理的现状    10
    (三) 企业员工流动的原因    11
    (四) 加强员工流动管理的措施    13
    五、结束语    15
    751、参考文献    16
    七、致谢    17
    图4. 1上海耀途汽车零部件有限公司员工构成统计图    10
    图4.2 上海耀途汽车零部件有限公司组织结构图    11
    表4.1 上海耀途汽车零部件有限公司一线员工离职原因分析表    12
    表4.2 上海耀途汽车零部件有限公司一线员工离职人员区域分析表    13
    (一) 研究背景
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