    毕业论文关键词: 三星手机;波特五力模型;竞争战略
    The competition strategy research of Samsung
    Abstract: In recent years, the rapid development of mobile communications ushered in the rapid as the rapid development of world economy. Mobile phone is no longer an Eager for common people. It jumped from luxury goods to the most familiar, popularize the fastest, even the high-tech electronic communications products that people all need. In China, the mobile phone market also is in rapid growth, the resulting competition heats up at the same time. Mainly embodied in the intense competition of the technology, quality, marketing, service and so on. The various factors formed the all-round comprehensive competition. In this paper , based on the research of the Samsung competition strategy analysis, the some problems in the process of Samsung mobile phone development have been put forward. And the specific target market positioning of Samsung mobile phone has also been put forward by using porter's five model analysis and market share analysis method and so on. Especially in the implementation of competitive strategy, based on the analysis of, this paper proposed that new product development strategy shall be taken to achieve significant product differentiation with competitors. To keep high market advantage, get  better product market properties for Samsung through the implementation of differentiation strategy , thus ensuring the Samsung to obtain a higher market share and brand position in the mobile phone industry ,which finally helps Samsung get invincible position in the market competition.
    Key Words: the Samsung mobile phone;potter five model;competitive strategy
    一、研究背景及意义    3
    (一)企业竞争战略简介    4
    (二)企业竞争战略的研究意义    5
    (三)企业竞争战略的文献研究现状    5
    1、竞争战略的文献研究    5
    2、企业战略理论与实践的最新动向    6
    (四)三星简介及其发展概况    6
    1、三星公司简介    6
    2、三星电子成长及发展现状    6
    3、三星手机在中国的发展现状    7
    二、三星手机竞争状况分析    7
    (一)行业竞争状况分析    7
    1、市场环境介绍    8
    2、新进入者的威胁    8
    3、行业内现有竞争者的竞争    9
    4、替代品的威胁    9
    5、供应商讨价还价的能力    10
    6、购买者讨价还价的能力    10
    7、初步应对方案    10
    (二)三星手机SWOT分析    10
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