    FMCG consumer behavior and marketing channel analysis -- the example of drinking water
    Abstract: Along with social progress and economic development and the continuous improvement of consumer income, our country FMCG industry after the long time development, has made gratifying achievements. We can improve the sales model to the analysis of FMCG sales channels and customer purchase behavior. Through the study of Heng Da ice spring, sales channels and customer purchase behavior analysis, the development of consumer goods market and the consumer's trajectory. Analysis pointed out the problem, and further prospects of China's FMCG industry in the future. Author from Heng Da ice spring, the first view, from the introduction of products based on the market, first systematically summarizes the fast consumer goods market status and forecast the development trajectory, and then analyzed the survival status of drinking water on the brand market. According to the actual investigation visit, put forward its own characteristic Heng Da ice spring for advice and analysis the consumer purchasing behavior. With a large number of literatures, analysis and case combined with the actual, put forward their own drinking water fast consumer goods marketing strategy
    Key Words: FMCG(Fast Moving Consumer Goods) ; Buying behavior; Marketing channel; Drinking water
    目  录
    一、快消品营销概述 07
    二、中国快消品市场消费者购买行为分析 08
    三、饮用水市场分析 10
    四、新锐品牌“恒大冰泉”的营销策略 14
     (三)恒大品牌营销策略的市场业绩18            总结与结论18            致谢  20   参考文献21
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