    摘要通过教育人力资本投资进行反贫困具有重要意义,它是消除贫困的重要出路。对于一个人口大国来说,如何选择反贫困的政策尤为重要,教育人力资本投资的反贫困主要表现在通过教育手段提高贫困地区人口的知识存量、就业能力,从而改善贫困地区人口的生存能力和自力更生能力,从而达到有效反贫困的目的。本文通过阐述教育人力资本投资和反贫困的关系,继而提出通过教育人力资本投资进行农村地区反贫困。文章分析了我国贫困的现状及成因,然后从教育人力资本投资的角度给出解决贫困的手段, 旨在提出对贫困的认识要从实际出发,表明通过教育人力资本投资来消除我国农村贫困,是一种战略选择。22103
    关键词  教育人力资本投资   贫困   反贫困
    Title      Research on the Relationship between Educational Human Capital Investment and Rural Anti-poverty                                            
    Educational human capital investment plays an important role in anti -poverty, It is an important way to eliminate the poor.  It is particularly important when a large population country choose its anti-poverty policy, The human capital investment can be an anti-poverty  policy by improving health stock and knowledge stock in the poverty area, so as to improve the poor survival ability, improve the ability of the poor’s rely through one's own efforts. That can be to achieve the purpose of anti-poverty. This paper explains the relationship between educational human capital investment and anti-poverty through the education. Then put forward the human capital investment of rural poverty. This thesis analyses the current situation and causes of poverty in China, and then from the educational human capital investment perspective is given to solve the poverty means. It aims to put forward the definition of poverty should be proceed from reality, That through the educational human capital investment to eliminate poverty in China rural, is a strategic choice.
    Keywords  educational human capital investment  poverty  anti-poverty
    目  录
    1  绪论1
    1.1  研究背景1
    1.2  研究意义和方法2
    2  人力资本投资理论4
    2.1  人力资本概论4
    2.2  人力资本特征4
    2.3  教育人力资本及其投资收益分析  5
    3  我国农村地区反贫困现状的问题与分析7
    3.1  农村地区反贫困现状7
    3.2  农村地区贫困人口人力资本特征 11
    3.3  我国反贫困中存在的问题和原因 12
    4  农村反贫困的教育人力资本投资建议 15
    4.1  政府应逐步提高农村地区家庭的人力资本投资能力 15
    4.2  提高贫困地区人力资本存量,注重学生就业能力的培养15
    4.3  鼓励发展现代学徒制,增加受教育者的就业和创业机会,提高收益 16
    4.4  改革教育制度、增加教育形式,鼓励成人继续教育 16
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景
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