
    摘要20 世纪 70 年代末以来,在全球化“结社”浪潮下,民间组织开始大量涌现。这些组织在动员社会资源、提供公共服务,促进经济发展及维护社会公正等方面发挥了政府和市场无法替代的作用,在社会治理中也开始扮演越来越重要的角色。随着我国改革开放的深入和市场经济的发展,民间组织获得了长足的发展,在社会中发挥着举足轻重的作用,但近年来这些民间组织由于自身管理不善、运行不规范等原因在公众中出现了信任危机,影响到自身的发展,也对其在社会中发挥功能产生不利影响,本课题将在社会学社会资本理论的视野下对中国的民间组织的信任问题进行深入分析。68290



    毕业论文关键词:社会资本     民间组织      社会信任

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   Study on the trust of NGOs  in China from the Perspective of Social Capital


    Around 1980s of the last century,a large number of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) sprang up in many countries around the world,On the background of "Associational Revolution"。Those organizations play an irreplaceable role in mobilizing social resources、providing public services、promoting economic development and maintaining social fairness, Which the government and market can not do.Besides it also play an important role in society governmance.With the development of social market economy and reform-open,NGOs develop quietly and play an important role in the society in China.While those organizations have some trust crisis recently , due to their the negligence of self-management 、operation without standard and so on.Which do harm to their own development and have adverse impact in their social role.This study will carry out in-depth analysis about the trust issues of China's civil society organizations under the Sociology Social Capital Theory .

       In this paper,a foundation in ShanDong will be the entry point,In-depth analysis of the Foundation's operating mode combined with questionnaires for the analysis.The thesis is pided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, presenting the background of the study,the significance of research. The second part describes research literature. The third part is the research methods 、concepts defined and research questions, In this paper,qualitative and quantitative research methods will combine ,the data will be collected through literature,and interview .Finally, presented research framework.The last part is the discussions and recommendations, mainly on the  difficulties faced by the NGOs to make thinking and recommendations and note innovation and inadequacies of the study.

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