

    毕业论文关键词  “两年禁毒、六年禁烟”政策   利益博弈   南京国民政府

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The Interest Game Analysis of "Two Years Baning Drugs,  Six Years Baning Opium" Policy by Nanjing National Government-Taking Yunnan Area as Example                         


    The drug problem has been a serious social problem of modern China. Banning on opium-smoking and trading is highly concerned by past Chinese governments, and led to a series of banning opium-smoking movements. This article tries to start from the banning-drug movements in Yunnan province, aiming to conclude the Yunnan's 6-year policy undertaking efficiency, analyze the series of achievements gained during the 6-year policy, rethink the necessary conditions, environments and measures local governments needed to undertake the policy; discuss the different main levels of Nanjing National governments' policy forming including the altitudes and effects international society reflected, the main purpose and policy making of central government, and the specific execution efficiency in local areas. Finally, this article analyze the policy using the interest game theory, aiming to discuss the necessary resources, environment and measures central government/local government needed in solving the drug-abuse problem, or in a larger scale, a specific social problem.

    Keywords  " two ears baning drugs,  six years baning opium" policy   

     interest game  Nanjing National government

       目   次 

    1  引言 1

    2  南京国民政府“六年禁政”概述 2

    2.1  国民政府禁烟上面临的压力 2

    2.2  “两年禁毒、六年禁烟”运动的由来 3

    2.3  “两年禁毒、六年禁烟”政策的制定 4

    2.3.1  禁烟禁毒机构设置 4

    2.3.2  禁烟禁毒立法措施 4

    2.4  云南地区对“六年禁政”的施行 5

    2.4.1  云南地区全面施行禁政的社会背景 5

    2.4.2  云南地区全面施行禁政的原因 6

    2.4.3  云南地区全面施行禁政的先期准备 7

    2.4.4  云南地区全面施行禁政的主要措施 8

    2.4.5  云南地区全面施行禁政的成效 9

    3  南京国民政府“六年禁政”利益博弈分析 10

    3.1  禁政施行各影响力因素 10

    3.1.1  国内因素 11

    3.1.2  国际环境因素 11

    3.1.3  政府意志因素 12

    3.1.4  经济因素12

    3.1.5  禁政合理性因素 13

    3.1.6  社会因素 13

    3.2  禁政制定和施行过程中利益博弈分析 14

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