
    摘要本文采用实地普查的方法,对南京市秦淮区四所居住区的彩色叶植物进行了 调查。调查分析了秦淮区四所居住区彩色叶树种种类、生长生态习性、色彩应 用和配置特点情况。调查结果显示,调查区域的彩叶植物物种类、生长习性类 型、彩叶类型、配置方式较多样。树种隶属 11 科 21 属 21 种,其中乡土树种、 落叶树种,以及乔木各占大多数。彩叶有红色、紫色和黄色。种植方式有孤 植、列植、丛植和片植。存在问题:树种具有配置种类单一、配置方法单调、 不注重栽后的养护管理等几个问题。根据存在的这些问题,从生态适应性、环 境协调性、观感美学,以及栽培护养方面,提出了加强对彩叶树种的保护和修 剪、增加彩叶树种种类、根据居住区绿化原则丰富应用类型等几点建议,使居 住区彩叶树种的应用更加合理。69095

    该论文有图 7 幅,表 4 个,参考文献 22 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:彩色叶树种 景观配置 配置方式 色彩应用

    The Investigation on Leaf-colorful Trees in Residential Areas in Nanjing City


    In this paper, the method of field investigation was used on the leaf-colorful trees of four residential areas in Qinhuai District, Nanjing city. The species, ecological habits, color application and configuration of leaf-colorful trees in four residential areas of Qinhuai district were investigated and analyzed. The results showed, the regional leaf-colorful trees species, growth habit type, leaf type, configuration of leaf- colorful trees were persified. These trees belonged to 11 families, 21 genera and 21 species, in which native species, deciduous trees, and arbors separately accounted for the majority. The colors were red, purple and yellow. Planting patterns had solitary planting, row planting, clump planting and graft planting. Issues were found as follows: insufficient species number, single configuration method, worse cultivation management, and several other issues. According to these issues, from the aspects of ecological adaptability, environmental coordination, perception of aesthetics, and cultivation nursing, several proposes were put forward to make the application of leaf-colorful trees in the living areas more reasonable: To strengthen the protection and pruning of leaf-colorful trees, increase the number of leaf-colorful tree species, and enrich application types of leaf-colorful trees according to the residential district greening principles.

    There are 7 pictures, 5 tables, 22 references in this paper.

    Key words: leaf-colorful trees landscape configuration configuration mode color application






    1 绪论 1

    2 调查地区概况 3

    3 调查方法及内容 3

    4 调查结果及分析 3

    4.1 居住区彩色叶树种资源整理 3

    4.2 居住区彩色叶树种应用配置概况 6

    4.3 居住区彩色叶树种应用配置分析 8

    5 存在的问题与建议 13

    5.1 居住区彩色叶树种配置存在的问题 13

    5.2 彩色叶树种应用水平存在的缺陷

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