

    毕业论文关键字  “两年禁毒,六年禁烟”运动   禁烟禁毒   国民政府   公共政策宣传方式


    Title    The study on propaganda methods of public policy based on the Smoking policy in the Republic of China                                                 


    Opium problem has always been one of the most serious social problems in the society of China since 1840, after the opium war happened. As we all know, the Smoking Movement in Qing Dynasty and the Smoking policy in the Republic of China become the most two important movement in the world smoke-free history. Especially in the Republic of China, which is about to stop opium completely from 1935 to 1940. In this decade, the president of the Republic of China, Jiang Jieshi wanted to consolidate his new-born political power through this movement. We could find lots of important historical significance and practical significance when we start to study on this movement in such a suitable time. This paper is going to study on propaganda methods of Public policy through the study of the smoking policy in the Republic of China.

    Keywords  propaganda methods   the Smoking Movement   policy  historical significance   practical significance

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 选题背景及意义 1

    1.2 研究现状 1

    1.3 研究思路及其方法 2

    2 “两年禁毒,六年禁烟”中的公共政策宣传方式 3

    2.1 公共政策宣传的含义 3

    2.2 公共政策宣传方式的作用 4

    2.3 公共政策宣传方式在“两年禁毒,六年禁烟”运动中的具体体现 5

    3 民国初期禁烟及“两年禁毒,六年禁烟”运动发展原因及背景介绍 7

    3.1 民国初期的禁烟禁毒运动背景介绍 8

    3.2 “两年禁毒,六年禁烟”运动背景介绍 8

    4 “两年禁毒,六年禁烟”运动成效及失败的原因 9

    4.1 “两年禁毒,六年禁烟”运动的成效 9

    4.2 “两年禁毒,六年禁烟”运动失败的原因 13

    5 “两年禁毒,六年禁烟”公共政策宣传方式局限性 15


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