    关键词:欠发达地区  初升高  教育公平
    Title   Fairness in studies of Southwest Junior High rise of underdeveloped areas¬¬¬——Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province as an example                                
    Education is a cornerstone of state and national development, educational development plays a vital role in the realization of rejuvenating the country through science and education and the strategy of talent powerful nation.Education fair is an important foundation for social justice, the realization of educational equity is a national important embody fairness and justice, the economic and social China southwest development level is relatively backward,southwest provinces basically realized the full nine year compulsory educationtarget, but high school is now still in the popular stage, high school is a transitional stage between obligations education and higher education. In theunified national college entrance examination system, early rising as one of the key links, to achieve increased at the beginning of school norms, fair,reasonable, to promote the education development and the maintenance offair education. In view of the contradiction of important significance of education fairness and practical analysis, this paper will select the time spanfrom middle school to high school, in the home as the research sample,focusing on the study of the easy to quantify several dimensions ofeducational funds, educational resources, enrollment rate, hope to truly realize the education Fair has certain practical significance.
     Keywords: Undeveloped regions   Junior to senior   Fairness of education 
    目 次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1研究背景和意义    1
    1.2对相关概念的界定    2
    1.3文献综述    3
    1.4研究思路与方法    7
    2 理论支撑    9
    2.1教育公平理论    9
    2.2系统理论    10
    2.3公共管理理论    10
    3 文山地区初升高升学公平性问题实证性研究    12
    3.1初升高相关数据的收集与分析    12
    3.2初升高升学学公平问题问卷调查与分析    16
    3.3文山州初升高存在的不公平问题    16
    4 初升高升学公平性问题成因    20
    4.1精英教育与大众教育之间存在矛盾    20
    4.2地区间经济社会发展水平不一致    20
    4.3初中学生的结构复杂    21
    4.4义务教育不均衡发展    21
    4.5普通高中学校发展不均衡    22
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