


    毕业论文关键词:总和生育率  生育状况  性别比  二胎政策

    At the present stage our country current situation analysis and research


    China is a country with a large population , and to the development of China's society ,people is a very important factor , it is also the most important factor affecting the people's livelihood. Since the beginning of the new century , China's fertility rate has always been a stable state and maintaining a low level , it is very meaningful to study the characteristics and condition of our country's fertility at this stage, through that we can find the problems and hidden dangers in China's population, and so that we can provide advice for the implement and revise of the one-child policy .At first, I calculate the total fertility , cumulative fertility rate of women of childbearing age and the sex ratio at birth by consulting relevant literature and Demographic Yearbook to get relevant data, then, find the characteristics and current status of bearing and the existence of bad influence through the research analysis. Finally, I also give a discriminate to our country’s  relaxation of fertility for easing the aging population and improving the ease of sex ratio parity.

    The paper has 5 figure , 1 table, 10 references.

    Key Words: total fertility rate  state of fertility  sex ratios  Two-child policy

    Two-child policy 

    目 录

    摘  要 III

    Abstract IV

    图清单 VI

    表清单 VI

    1引言 1

    2新世纪生育状况 1

    2.1城乡差异 2

    2.2生育年龄发生变化 3

    3出生人口性别比失调 5

    3.1性别比现状 5

    3.2性别比异常的原因 6

    3.3性别比异常的后果 8

    4二孩政策放宽的“迫切性”辩析 8

    4.1“缓解人口老龄化”说 8

    4.2“放宽生育可缓解性别比失调”说 9

    4.3 “晚二孩”的社会及伦理隐忧 9

    5 总结 10

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13


    图序号 图名称 页码

    图2-1 2000年以后我国部分典型年总和生育率

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