

    毕业论文关键词: 人口流动  梯度推移  性别比  年龄金字塔  第六次人口普查

    The Analysis of China's Population Flow:Evidence from the Sixth Population Census


    Based on the 2010 sixth national population census data, the paper mainly summarizes the spatialcharacteristics of provincial population flow, in gender and age on the law of the change of timescalesand provincial professional characteristics of the floating population. Mainly relates to the directionofthe provincial population flow, population flow of geographic distance selectivity, regional characteristics, in the provincial economy the gradient on the flow passage, the characteristics of a provincial population flow and migration in the province in number, gender, and age on the contrast, on gender, age, dimension of the provincial population flow, population flow, intercity flows in the province and municipal district in the province within the population flow analysis of the characteristics and laws for the analysis and research on the population flow's influence on the economic and political development in China provide certain reference .

    Key Words: Population  flow  gradient goes on  Sex ratio  Age pyramid  The sixth census


    摘要 I


    目录 III

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    1.研究背景与意义 1

    2.空间特征 1

    2.1各省人口流动特征 1

    2.2省际人口流动与省内人口流动在数量上的比较 6

    2.3人口流动在不同地域上的差异 6

    2.4人口省际流动呈经济梯度和反梯度推移的模式 7

    3.流动人口在性别和年龄上的特征分析 14

    3.1流动人口的性别和年龄在不同尺度空间上的对比 14

    3.2省际流动人口的东中西部的性别比 17

    4.流动人口变化特征 18

    4.1流动人口快速增加 18

    4.2留守儿童中幼儿比重大 18

    5.流动人口在职业上的特征 19

    5.1省际流动人口多从事第二、三产业 19

    5.2省际流动人口的职业稳定性较差 19

    6.结论 20

    参考文献 22

    致谢 23


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