

    毕业论文关键词: 轨道交通;发展;规划;存在问题;统计;分析

    Investigation on the Current Situation of Urban Rail Transit Construction in China - Development Planning

    Abstract: Since 1969 Beijing opened our country's first urban rail transit routes, China has opened urban rail transit for 47 years. The opening of the operation of the city, the scale of development, operating lines, the total number of stations is also rising. Through the determination of statistical content; to collect reliable data; to obtain effective statistical results analysis; from the statistical results given useful suggestions to sort out a complete China urban rail transit development status questionnaire. Respectively, from the current development scale of urban rail transit, the economic benefits brought by the new urban rail transit, the future development of urban rail transit planning, as well as the planning stage of the rail transit and the existing problems in the construction process, Professional point of view of these data parameters in-depth analysis. And according to the domestic characteristics of the city's traffic situation and the current city of near-term planning, the future of the overall urban rail transit development prospects for the future analysis, and put forward some valuable reference and my own ideas.

    KeyWords: Rail transportation; development; planning; problems; statistics; analysis


    1.绪论 - 1 -

    1.1 课题的目的与意义 - 1 -

    2.国内研究现状 - 2 -

    2.1 国内目前研究进展 - 2 -

    2.2 本次完成的调研工作介绍 - 2 -

    3.国内城市轨道交通发展概述 - 3 -

    3.1 国内城市轨道发展的规模 - 3 -

    3.2 国内城市轨道发展带来的的经济效益 - 4 -

    3.2.1 地铁换乘站带来的经济效益 - 4 -

    3.2.2 地铁延时运营带来的经济效益 - 7 -

    3.3 国内城市轨道发展规划 - 8 -

    3.3.1 路网规划 - 8 -

    3.3.2 设备逐步国产化 - 9 -

    3.3.3 近远期规划 - 10 -

    3.4 国内城市轨道发展存在的问题 - 13 -

    3.4.1 预测客流失误 - 13 -

    3.4.2 建设工期不合理 - 13 -

    3.4.3 城市布局规划不够合理

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