
    摘要根据民航机场发展的主要评价要素,从旅客人次、货物吞吐量、起降架次等 三个方面,构建华东地区 41 个民航通航机场所在城市的发展水平综合评价指标体系,运用熵值法,对 2008-2014 年华东地区民航发展水平综合测度,并以此为 变量,运用相关性分析,对华东地区民航发展水平与所在地经济发展水平之间的 差异进行定量分析。结果发现:以年份为依据做纵向分析,整体上华东地区民航 发展与城市经济发展水平呈现显著的正相关性,但以 2014 年为例做横向分析时, 两者在各地区的相关程度明显减弱,其他因素的干扰增强。在此基础上,对民航 机场发展指标与所在地区经济发展水平不平衡的现象进行了分析,并提出了合理 确定机场建设规划、改变航线规划模式、改进客票定价模式的对策。69072

    该论文有图 5 幅,表 8 个,参考文献 19 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:民用航空 城市经济 熵值法 相关分析 华东地区

    Correlation analysis of Civil Aviation and Urban Economic Development in East China


    According to the main elements of the evaluation of the development of civil aviation airport, the thesis build a comprehensive evaluation system of the development of cities of 41 airports in East China. It contains three aspects of passenger trips, air freight throughput and movements. The thesis has a comprehensive measure of the development of civil aviation industry from 2008 to 2014 with the method of entropy, and take it as a variate to do the quantitative analysis about the differences between the civil aviation development level in East China and the economic development located with the correlation analysis. It turns out that: the overall level of the civil aviation industry development in East China and urban economic development show a significant positive correlation with the longitudinal analysis based on years. But take the year 2014 as an example, the horizontal analysis shows that the degree of correlation between the two significantly weakened since the interferences from other factors is enhanced. Based on this, the thesis analyses the unbalanced phenomenon between the development indicators of civil airport and the level of economic development. Finally the thesis put forward the idea of determining reasonable airport construction plan, changing the route planning model and changing the countermeasures ticket pricing model.

    This paper has 5 figures, 8 tables, 19 references.

    Key Words: Civil aviation Urban economy Entropy method Correlation analysis East China

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    1 引言 1

    2 研究区域与数据来源 2

    2.1  研究区域概况 2

    2.2  数据来源 3

    3  研究方法 6

    3.1  综合水平测度 6

    3.2 相关分析 6

    4  实证分析 7

    4.1  民航机场发展水平评价 7

    4.2  地方经济水平分析

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