
    摘要根据余江县 2007 年 253 个土壤样点数据以及余江县等高线、地形图和镇区 图等数据,运用统计学与地统计相结合的方法,估算了江西省余江县三个不同坡 度等级的乡镇(画桥镇、湟溪镇和马荃镇)平面与曲面下的 0-20 cm 土壤层全氮 储量,探讨了坡度对估算土壤全氮储量的影响。研究结果表明:画桥镇的平均坡 度为 12.77 度,0-20 cm土壤层的平面和曲面土壤全氮储量估算分别为 6739.80 kg 和 7197.72 kg,基于平面与曲面面积的氮储量估算误差比 6.79%;马荃镇的平均 坡度为 6.31 度,平面与曲面土壤全氮储量估算为 3926.09 kg 和 4010.03 kg,平面 与曲面储量估算误差比为 2.13%;湟溪镇的平均坡度为 0.38 度,平面和曲面全氮 储量估算分别为 1652.87 kg 和 1657.97 kg,平面与曲面储量估算误差比为 0.31%。 这说明在坡度小的研究区域,坡度对全氮储量估算的影响并不明显,但在坡度大 的山区,坡度对土壤全氮储量估算有较大影响。69073

    毕业论文关键词:地形因子 坡度 土壤氮库储量 余江县


    According to the 253 soil sample data of Yu Jiang country in 2007, figure in contour, topographic map and township, the soil total nitrogen(TN) in the town of Huaqiao, Huangxi and Maquan were researched with the methods of Statistics and Geostatistics. Comparing the soil total nitrogen (TN) with the town of three different levels of slopes, the influence that slope has on estimating soil total nitrogen was discussed. The main research results are as follows.

    The average slope of Huaqiao is 12.77. The plane storage of soil nitrogen is 6739.80kg, however, the surface reserves is about 7197.72 kg. Moreover, the proportion between plane and surface stocks is 6.79%. In Huangxi, the average  slope is 6.31, the stocks of plane and surface are 3926.09 kg and 4010.03 kg. The disparity of storage  is only about 2.13%. The  last town named Maquan whose average  is  only

    0.38 is equipped with plane and surface  total nitrogen approximately 1652.87 kg  and

    1657.97 kg. What’s more, plane and surface reserves error is only 0.31%. That is  to say, in a small slope area, slope has no significant effect on the amount  of total nitrogen. But on the contrary, in the steep mountain, the effect of slope to soil total nitrogen is significant.

    Key words: terrain factor slope soil total nitrogen(TN) Yu Jiang country

    目 录

    摘 要 4

    Abstract 5

    1.绪论 8

    1.1 研究意义 8

    1.2 国内外研究进展 8

    1.3  研究内容 10

    2.材料与方法 10

    2.1 研究区域概况 10

    2.1.1.地形地貌 10

    2.1.2  气候条件 11

    2.1.3 土壤分布规律与特点 11

    2.1.4  社会经济状况 11

    2.2  数据来源 12

    2.2.1  空间数据 12

    2.2.2  土壤数据 12

    2.3  研究方法 12

    2.3.1  曲面面积与坡度的量化关系

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