
    摘要采石迹地是在开山采石活动中受伤害的生态系统,开山采石的过程中生态环 境遭到破坏,水土流失严重,对周围环境造成恶劣影响,因此采石迹地改造变得 尤为重要。无名山公园作为一个前身是采石迹地的公园,现在已经无法找到曾经 的色彩,亭台楼阁、花草树木、假山、流水等景观无一不显示无名山公园的美丽。 本文以无名山公园为例来研究采石迹地整治利用的景观途径,通过现场调查研究 无名山公园的景观,分析其利用的景观途径,同时应用环境科学知识总结无名山 公园对周围的环境效应。69079

    毕业论文关键词:采石迹地 无名山公园 景观途径 环境效应

    The landscape approach of abandoned quarry land use and environmental effects: wuming mountains park, for example


    Abandoned quarry land was hurt in a mountain quarrying activities of ecosystems, a mountain quarrying in the process of ecological environment is destroyed, serious soil and water loss, bad effects on the surrounding environment , so abandoned quarry land reform is particularly important. wuming mountains park as a predecessor is abandoned quarry land park, now can't find the former colour, have pavilions, trees and flowers, rockery, water and other landscape all showed wuming mountains the beauty of the park. Taking wuming mountains park as an example to study the use of abandoned quarry land regulation of landscape, through the field investigation and study has wuming mountains park landscape, analysis of the use of landscape way, at the same time the application environment scientific knowledge summary no mountains park effect to the surrounding environment.

    Key  Words:  Abandoned  quarry land Wuming  mountains park landscape way environment effect



    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 Ⅴ

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究的目的意义 1

    2 研究区简介 1

    3 无名山公园景观的指导思想与改造原则 2

    3.1 指导思想 2

    3.2 改造原则 3

    4 无名山公园景观的布置 3

    4.1 无名山公园景观空间上的布置 3

    4.2 无名山公园景观时间上的布置 4

    4.3 无名山公园景观中小品的布置 4

    5 无名山公园景观利用分析 5

    5.1 望月亭周围景观利用分析 5

    5.2 牡丹园景观利用分析 6

    5.3 滨水景观带景观利用分析 7

    5.4 福园景观利用分析 7

    5.5 密林草地景观利用分析 8

    5.6 园中其他景观利用分析 8

    6 无名山公园产生的环境效应 9

    6.1 对周围空气产生的效应 9

    6.2 对周围小气候产生效应 9

    6.3 对周围水体产生的效应

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