
    摘要:衣食住行是人类社会不可或缺的行为,城市轨道交通系统是政府职能部门向社会公 众的出行提供的一项公共服务事业。城市轨交对于社会经济和居民生活息息相关,有着深 远的意义和影响。城市轨道交通系统的迅速发展,对社会经济的发展有着至关重要的作用, 以及城市整体的规划发展,为城市的可持续性发展提供根本的保障。而政府职能部门的合 理与具有前瞻性的规划对于城市轨交系统的效益起着决定性的影响。本文从国内的轨道交 通发展的历史与现状(截止到 2016 年 12 月),以及轨交系统的发展所带来的经济效益。 翻阅历史,找出在轨道交通建设中的各类施工事故时而发生,给城市乃至国家带来较大的 经济损失甚至是人员伤亡,以此警示,为我国现在大力发展轨道交通的冲刺期敲响警钟。 对中国轨道交通几类典型工程事故如盾构推进事故、基坑事故、矿山区间隧道施工事故和 临时承重墙结构工程事故,做出了全面的统计和分析,有关于工程的安全施工问题提出预 防对策,使轨交工程变得更加安全可靠。68742


    Investigation of urban rail transit construction in China-engineering accident

    Abstract: Basic necessities of life is essential to human society, city rail transit system is a public service of government departments to provide to the public travel. The city rail for the social economy and the resident lives, has the profound significance and the influence. The rapid development of city rail traffic system, has a crucial role in the development of economic and social development planning and the whole city, to provide a basic guarantee for the sustainable development of the city. The government departments of the rational and forward-looking planning for city rail transit system plays a decisive influence. This paper from the domestic rail transit development history and The status quo (as of December 2016), the development of the rail system and the economic benefits. Through history, find out all kinds of accidents and construction in urban rail construction, to the city and the country to bring greater economic losses and even casualties, this warning, for our country now develop rail transportation sprint ring the alarm of rail traffic. Chinese several typical engineering accidents such as shield accidents, accidents of foundation pit, construction accidents in mine tunnel and temporary load-bearing wall structure engineering accidents, make overall statistics and analysis, construction safety problems on engineering prevention measures are put forward, so that the rail engineering change Safer and more reliable.

    Key words:Rail transit; construction project; engineering accident; safety

    目 录

    1.绪论 1

    2.国内研究现状 2

    2.1 国内目前研究进展 2

    2.2 本次完成的调研工作介绍 2

    3.国内城市轨道交通发展概述 3

    3.1 国内城市轨道发展的规模 3

    3.1.1 线路与战场 3

    3.1.2 客运量 5

    3.2 国内城市轨道发展带来的经济效益 6

    3.2.1 改善城市生活环境 6

    3.2.2 节约城市空间能源 7

    3.2.3 保护自然资源环境 7

    3.3 国内城市轨道发展规划 7

    3.3.1 装备与控制技术进展

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