
    摘要随着世界经济一体化的发展、中国城市化进程的加快,国内城市现代化建设 出现了趋同现象,许多城市正在失去他们独有的特色,城市现代化建设逐渐陷入 了特色危机。无锡作为一个传统工商城市,在现代化的进程中也渐渐无法凸显自 己的特色,这使得无锡在与周边城市的协调发展中处于不太突出的地位。论文从 分析无锡的城市文化特色景观和城市发展过程入手,总结了无锡的特色文化景观 包括环太湖景观、山麓文化景观、古运河文化景观、吴源景观、水乡古镇等,从 1949 年以来,城市发展可以划分为 3 个阶段,空间结构特色也从沿运河过度到 圈层扩散并向多核心组团阶段发展。在此基础上,论文根据现代城市特色定位理 论,探讨无锡的区域定位、产业定位、形象定位,并进一步提出推进无锡城市特 色建设的基本策略以期为无锡的城市未来发展和特色建设作出建议。69090

    该论文有图 1 幅,表 3 个,参考文献 15 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:无锡 文化景观 城市特色 空间结构 发展定位

    Wuxi cultural landscape and urban construction characteristics research


    With the development of world economic integration, urbanization process of China is accelerated, the domestic urban modernization appeared convergence, many cities are losing their unique characteristics, city modernization gradually fell into crisis. As a traditional industrial and commercial city of wuxi, also gradually in the process of modernization to highlight their own characteristics, which makes the wuxi in coordination with the surrounding city developing in a less prominent position. Paper from the analysis of wuxi city culture characteristic landscape and urban development process, this paper summarizes the characteristics of wuxi culture landscape including ring taihu lake landscape, piedmont cultural landscape,  the ancient canal, Wu Yuan landscape, cultural landscape waterfront town, since 1949, the urban development can be pided into three stages, the spatial  structure characteristics and from the spread and along the canal to spheres of multicore development group stage. On this basis, the paper according to the  modern  city feature localization theory, this paper studies regional orientation, wuxi industry positioning, image positioning, and further puts forward the basic strategy to promote construction of wuxi city features so as to wuxi city and characteristic construction to make suggestions about the future.

    Key Words:wuxi cultural  landscape urban  characteristics space  structure development localization






    1 绪论 1

    2 无锡文化景观特色与效应 1

    2.1 无锡文化景观特色 1

    2.2 无锡文化景观的效应 3

    3 无锡城市空间结构特色 4

    3.1 无锡 1949 年以来城市功能转化 4

    3.2 无锡城市空间结构特色 5

    4 无锡城市发展特色定位 6

    4.1 城市定位的理论 6

    4.2 无锡城市定位 7

    5 无锡城市特色发展对策分析

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