


    毕业论文关键词:生态空间  生态规划  空间管控  徐州市

    The model research of Xuzhou city’s ecological space control


    With the rapid development of urbanization in our country, which leads to the expanding urban space and continuous expansion of construction land, inevitably, results in the phenomenon of the destruction of ecological space and leads to the great pressure of the ecological environment and resources. The reality makes the city ecological space controls have a huge challenge. Taking the ecological space planning practice of  Xuzhou city as an example, analyses the present situation of the ecological space control ,explores the choice of the path of the ecological space control,   borrows the analysis of the existing ecological space of Chinese and foreign control planning model, puts forward control path optimization strategy for Xuzhou city ecological space, also hopes that the research can provide some other cities in our country's ecological space planning with some useful Suggestions.

    The paper has 17 references.

    Key Words: ecological space  ecological planning  space control  Xuzhou

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 研究意义 2

    2 相关概念与理论基础 2

    2.1 生态空间 2

    2.2城市生态空间 3

    2.3空间管控 3

    2.4城市生态空间管控 3

    2.5国家生态园林城市 3

    2.6基本生态控制线 3

    2.7可持续发展理论 3

    3 国内外生态空间管控经验 4

    3.1深圳基本生态线控制规划 4

    3.2成都的分级分类管控 4

    3.3大芝加哥都市区的轴向拓展 4

    3.4法兰克福的环城绿带 4

    4 徐州市生态空间管控模式及现状 5

    4.1生态文明理念下城乡空间总体规划引导的空间管控 5

    4.2徐州生态空间的主要规划方法及成效 6

    4.3徐州生态管控中存在的突出问题 8

    5 徐州生态空间管控的优化措施与案例分析 9

    5.1 完善公众参与监督制度 9

    5.2 完善相关的法律法规体系,给生态空间予以立法保护

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