
    摘要居住区在一个人的日常生活中扮演着很重要的角色,居住区绿化不仅在城市 绿地系统中占据重要角色,同时对居民的生活也会直接或间接造成影响。通过采 用实地普查的调查方法对徐州管道小区内的园林植物调查分析可知,小区内园林 绿化植物共有 65 种,分属于 34 科 59 属。其中乔木 29 种,灌木 26,藤本 4 种,

    草本 6 种,常绿植物有 28 种,落叶植物有 31 种。此外,管道小区内外来植物大约有 40 种,乡土树种大约有 25 种,外来树种所占比例为 62%,乡土树种所占 比例为 38%。整个小区以规则式种植为主,自然式为辅,最常见的植物配置模 式是乔木+灌木+草本和灌木+绿篱,配置模式比较单一,结构不够丰富,后期工 作人员对小区内景观植物维护不够到位,植物长势较差,成荫量较少。针对以上 问题,提出了几点相关建议,希望可以用最经济的最生态的方式作出适合小区居 民生活休闲娱乐的绿地景观。69092

    毕业论文关键词:管道小区 植物配置 调查 徐州

    The Plant Species and Application of Guandao Uptown in XuZhou


    Residential areas play a very important role in someone's daily life, residential areas greening not only plays an important role in urban green space system, at the same time,also can affect    people's life directly or indirectly. Through a field census

    survey method adopted to the village garden plant in the xuzhou pipe community,the investigation and analysis showed that there exist 65 species of landscaping plants in total, belonging to 59 genera and 34 families. Among them there exist 29 types of arbor, 26 kingds of shrubs, 4 kinds of vine, 6 kinds of herb, 28 types of evergreen plants, and 31 kinds of deciduous. In addition, the pipeline area both inside and outside have 40 kinds of species, 25 kinds of local tree species while alien species accounted for 62%, and the proportion of native tree species is 38%. The whole community is many ranged with rule type planting in assistance of a natural type. The most common plant configuration mode is arbor + shrub + herb and shrub + hedge, The reason for the configuration mode is single and the structure is not rich, is the late staff of landscape plant maintenance is not in place in the community  while the plant growth is poorer and less into shadow. To solve the problems above, I put

    forward some relevant suggestions, hoping to use the most economical way to build the ecological and recreational green space landscape,to make suitable for residents to live well.

    Key Words:Guandao Uptown    Plant Application    Survey   XuZhou




    目录 III


    引言 1

    1 研究内容和方法

    1.1 研究内容 2

    1.2 研究方法 2

    2 结果与分析

    2.1 树种调查 2

    2.2 绿化模式研究 3

    3 建议 10

    参考文献 11

    致谢 12

    附录 13


    图序号 图名称 页码

    图 2-1 道路绿地 3

    图 2-2

  1. 上一篇:徐州市无名山公园植物配置的调查与分析
  2. 下一篇:徐州市铜山新区园林树种应用与规划
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  6. 徐州市七个别墅区植物种类的调查与比较分析

  7. 徐州市铜山新区园林树种应用与规划

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