

    毕业论文关键词:招赘文化  地域分异特征  影响因素

    The research of Uxorilocal Culture’s regional features and its influence factors in China


    China is a vast region with many nations,and the distribution of population and nation is complex.Different regions present the distinctive characteristics.The findings indicate that our uxorilocal culture all over the country,and shows the characteristics of a distinct regional differentiation:uxorilocal culture obviously has gradient characteristics;The distributed characteristics of nation have distinct features and roughly same with the uxorilocal culture;The regional differentiation of uxorilocal culture is historic.Rural uxorilocal culture is the important part in the china’s uxorilocal culture.In rural areas,the son in law can choose uxorilocal in his own province,also can choose provincial uxorilocal.The son in law by adoption of two different forms reflects the uxorilocal cultural characteristics of the provinces and the influence factors of uxorilocal culture.

    Key Words: Uxorilocal culture  Region’s different characteristics  Influence factors


    摘要 I

    关键词 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 V

    表清单 V

    1 研究背景 1

    1.1 招赘婚姻内涵的研究成果 1

    1.2 不同角度的招赘文化研究 1

    2 数据来源与研究方法 3

    2.1 数据来源 3

    2.3 研究方法 3

    3 我国招赘文化的地域分异特征 5

    3.1 招赘文化特征梯度明显 5

    3.2具有鲜明民族特色的招赘文化与民族地域分布大致相同 6

    3.3招赘文化地域分异的历史性 6

    4 我国乡村招赘文化地理分布的空间特征 6

    4.1 北部乡村招赘文化区 7

    4.2 南部乡村招赘文化区 7

    4.3 西北乡村招赘文化区 7

    4.4 青藏高原乡村招赘文化区 7

    5 影响我国招赘文化分布的主要因素 9

    5.1 人口因素 9

    5.2 经济因素 9

       5.3 情感因素 9

    5.4 自我发展的因素 10

    5.5 受教育水平 10

    5.6 姓氏传承

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