

    毕业论文关键词: 运动休闲;企业员工;相关度;可控度

    A Study on the Influencing Factors of Employees' Sports 

    —— SC and SZ co., LTD in Shanghai as an example 

    Abstract:With the rapid development of social economy and high technology, employees' work pressure and living pressure increase, health problems become increasingly prominent, and sports and leisure for employees has an important role on maintain a healthy body . This article attempts to analyze the influencing factors of employees' leisure and leisure in Shanghai SC and SZ Co., Ltd., and discusses the relationship between the influencing factors, the control degree and the three factors. From the survey results, the mainly factors of the impact of enterprise employees sports and leisure are work, business environment and inpidual staff . The main factors of work include the nature of the work, the time of work, the intensity, the length of time spent on work and so on. The work takes up most of the available time and energy of the employees and has the greatest impact on the employees' leisure and leisure activities.But because work factor’s self-selectivity is strong, so relatively controllable; personal factors, including their own situation, hobbies, living conditions, etc., and sports and leisure is the choice of employees in accordance with self-will, is the essential factor to change the cost of small, relatively high degree of control ; Enterprise environmental factors, including the corporate culture and culture of the atmosphere, the enterprise for a sports organization and propaganda, the company's fitness venues, the relative impact is smaller, relatively low degree of control. At the same time three factors have a certain degree of correlation and mutual influence.

    Keywords:  Sports and leisure; Employees; Relativity; Controllability 

    目  录

    一、绪论 1

    (一) 研究缘起 1

    (二) 文献综述 1

    (三) 核心概念的界定 2

    (四) 研究方案 2

    二、 企业员工运动休闲的现状描述 3

    (一) 数量少且缺乏固定频率 3

    (二) 运动意愿强但行动力弱 4

    (三)休闲影响因素难以改变 4

    三、影响企业员工运动休闲的因素的归类分析 5

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