




    Which market structure is the most favorable to innovation in the Internet economy?

    Abstract:This paper has investigated how the market structure has a impact on the innovation in the Internet economy and examines whether the benefit to innovate in monopoly market is obviously different from the competitive market? 

    The current paper has analyzed the simulation in innovation mostly from Schumpeter's theories and Arrow's point, focusing on competition study that generated monopoly market structure and the advantage of innovation in competitive monopoly rather than in competition structure, and drew conclusions from the different existing enterprise cases. More specifically, I have investigated the determining factors of innovation and the way they are related to the market structure.

    According to relevant literature and the Internet industry cases, observing competition the Internet market have generated monopolist. The company has to develop many innovations to keep the monopoly position, because the innovation is in need of abundant funds and strong human resources, it is easy to make that monopolist due to monopoly has market power to control the price. By contrast, the companies in competition market have no market power thus their product's price was closed to marginal cost leaving them without enough funds to invest in innovation.

    Keywords: Internet economy;market structure;competitive monopoly


    一、绪论 1

    (一)研究目的与意义 1

    (二)研究方法与思路 2

    1.研究方法 2

    2.研究思路 2

    二、 文献综述 3

    (一)国外文献综述 3

    (二)国内研究综述 3

    三、理论基础 4

    (一)市场结构和创新激励 4

    (二)Schumpeter的垄断和创新市场理论 5

    (三)Arrow的竞争激励创新市场理论 5

    (四)互联网经济 6

    四、互联网经济市场的现状与原因分析 8

    (一)网络外部性现状 8

    (二)产生双边市场结构的原因分析 9


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