

    毕业论文关键词:乡村聚落  空间分布  RS  GIS

    Research on spatial distribution of the rural settlements in Changzhou by Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System


    This paper takes the SPOT satellite remote sensing images and TM remote sensing image fusion image of Changzhou as data source, extracting the roads, water systems, rural settlement plaques and DEM spatial information in the study area, using RS and GIS spatial analysis technology, to study the spatial distribution of rural settlements in Changzhou City from the aspects of the rural settlement density distribution, the settlement space aggregation characteristics, settlement distribution along the river, roads and elevation. The results show that the rural settlements of Changzhou City is not uniform in the area of distribution.Settlements are mainly concentrated in Jintan, Liyang City, Wujin district. There is little settlement in Zhonglou and Tianning district. The distance from roads,and drainage is farther, number of distribution of rural settlements is less. The most of the rural settlements in Changzhou city are concentrated in the plain areas of above 0m above sea level and below 10m above sea level.  

    Key Words: rural settlement  spatial distribution  RS  GIS

    目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    1 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2研究意义 1

    2 国内外研究概况 2

    2.1国外研究状况 2

    2.2国内研究状况 2

    3 数据来源及研究区概况 3

    3.1数据来源 3

    3.2研究区概况 3

    3.3技术路线 3

    3.4研究方法 4

    4 结果与分析 5

    4.1乡村聚落的密度分布特征 5

    4.2乡村聚落的空间聚集特征 6

    4.3乡村聚落沿道路空间分异特征 8

    4.4乡村聚落沿水系空间分异特征 10

    4.5乡村聚落的地形空间分布特征 11

    5 结语 12

    5.1主要结论 12

    5.2论文的不足 13

    参考文献 14

    致谢 15



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