

    毕业论文关键词:公共停车场  缓冲区分析  叠置分析  选址

    Study on Distribution Characteristics of the Public Parking Lots Based on GIS in Tongshan District,Xuzhou


    The article chooses tongshan district, Xuzhou as the object of the research. Using basic geographic data as the basic method to sort out the economic and demographic situation and the geographic data of public parking lots, schools, hospitals and interest points of tonshang district. Using the method of ArcGIS space analysis to research on distribution characteristics of the public parking lots in tongshan district, Xuzhou. The results show that: the existing public parking lots are mainly distributed in the tongshan new district the economically developed and populous area, a reasonable distribution of overall space. The service areas of public parking lots have probably covered the surrounding place that has parking demand in tongshan district. The suitability of the public parking lots is not very high. The service efficiency of the public parking lots is not very high. Through suitability analysis, we found that need to building more public parking lots to meet the needs of parking.

    Key Words: public parking lot  Buffer analysis  overlay analysis  site selection

    目  录

    摘  要 III

    Abstract IV

    目 录 V

    图清单 VI

    表清单 VI

    1 引言 1

    1.1研究背景和意义 1

    1.2研究目的和内容 1

    2 研究理论及方法 1

    2.1停车需求分析 1

    2.2研究方法 2

    3 实例研究 3

    3.1研究区域概况 3

    3.2数据收集 4

    3.3数据分析 5

    4 问题与建议 12

    4.1铜山区现有公共停车场总体空间分布特征评价 13

    4.2存在问题 13

    4.3布局优化 13

    5不足 13

    参考文献 15

    致谢 16


    图序号 图名称 页码

    图3-1 徐州铜山区公共自行车现状分布图 6

    图3-2 铜山区人口密度分布图 8

    图3-3 铜山新区公共停车场服务区图 9


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