
    摘 要:近年来,随着中国互联网用户数量的飞速增涨以及网络技术的发展日新月异,越来越多的社交媒体平台出现在人们的日常生活中,这其中,微信的发展异常迅猛。本文构建了关于微信营销推广模式有效性以及影响其有效性的因素之间的模型,通过问卷调查收集数据,实证检验微信营销推广模式有效性及其影响因素之间的关系。研究结果表明,感知有用性、趣味性与微信营销推广模式有效性有显著影响因素,创新性对其有效性影响较弱,其余影响微乎其微。最后,本文就微信营销发展提出建议与对策,希望其能更加规范、更具吸引力。69742


    Abstract: Recently, with the continuous development of the network technology and the increasing number of Internet users in China, more and more social media platforms appear in people's daily life, especially the rapid growing Wechat. Viral marketing is based on the social network, which plays an important role in Wechat that also based on the social network. This paper constructs a model of the validity of viral marketing promotion mode, collecting data through the questionnaire survey and doing a empirical test about the influence factor to the validity of viral marketing promotion mode. The results of the study show that perceived usefulness and perceived entertainment has significant influence on the validity of viral marketing promotion mode, but perceived ease usefulness, perceived reliability and perceived creativity has weak influence on it. Finally, in this paper, the author proposed several suggestions to the viral marketing in Wechat, hoping it can be more standardized and has better development.

    Key word: Viral marketing,Wechat,promotion mode,validity,influence factor

    目 录

    1  引言 3

    1.1  研究背景 3

    1.2  研究内容 4

    1.3  研究目的与方法 4

    文献综述 5

    2.1  微信营销推广模式有效性 5

    2.2  影响微信营销有效性的因素 5

    3  研究变量的定义与测量维度 6

    3.1  研究假设 6

    3.2  变量测量 7

    4  数据的收集和分析 10

    4.1  数据收集 10

    4.2  描述性统计分析 10

    5  实证分析 11

    5.1  信度和效度分析 11

    5.2  基于结构方程的因果关系检验 13

    6  对策和建议 14

    6.1  注重内容与形式创新,提高受众感知趣味性 14

    6.2  充分了解受众需求,提高受众感知有用性 14

    6.3  加强微信平台管理 15

    6.4  配合以其他营销方式 15

    结论 16

    参考文献 17

    致谢 18

    附录一:路径关系系数图 19


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