    摘要: 工业烟尘主要包括各种冶炼电炉烟气、锅炉烟气、焊接烟尘等,本课题主要讨论焊接烟尘的净化处理以及焊接烟尘净化装置的开发设计。焊接是利用电能加热,促使被焊接金属局部达到液态或接近液态,而使之结合形成牢固的不可拆卸接头的工艺方法。它是一种在工厂极为常见的机械工艺方法。焊接过程中产生的污染种类多、危害大,能导致多种职业病的发生,已成为一大环境公害。随着相关研究的深入,治理技术日趋完善,焊接污染已得到了相对有效的控制。本文依据我国焊接车间具体情况,结合国内外最新的研究成果及实用技术,从焊接污染的形成、特点及危害入手,提出切实可行净化装置设计方案。24574
    毕业论文关键词: 焊接烟尘;净化装置;设计方案
    The Development of New Industrial Purification Machine
    Abstract:Industrial dust mainly include all kinds of electric smelting furnace, boiler flue gas, welding smoke and dust, etc., this topic mainly discuss the welding smoke purification treatment and the development of the welding smoke purification device design. Welding is the use of electricity heating, prompted by local achieve liquid or near the liquid weld metal, and to form a solid sealed joint process method. It is a very common mechanical factory method. Variety during the welding process of pollution, harm is big, can lead to a variety of occupational diseases, and has become a big environment pollution. With the deepening of the research, governance increasingly perfect technology, welding has been relatively effective control of pollution. According to the specific situation of the welding workshop in China, combined with the latest research results and practical technology both at home and abroad, from the form, characteristics and harm of welding pollution, and puts forward the feasible purification plant design.
    Key words: welding fume;reconditioner;Design Project
    目  录
    1. 引 言    5
    1.1 概论    5
    1.2 选题的背景及意义    5
    1.2.1 选题背景    5
    1.2.2 选题意义    6
    1.3 研究内容和方法    7
    1.3.1 课题主要内容    7
    1.3.2 课题研究方法    8
    2. 课题研究现状及发展    9
    2.1 国内外焊接烟尘处理综述    9
    2.1.1 我国焊接烟尘处理调查    9
    2.1.2 国外焊接烟尘处理装置简介    9
     2.2 研究的理论基础    11
      2.2.1 焊接烟尘概念及成分分析    11
      2.2.2 焊接烟尘净化处理相关理论    12
    3. 新型焊接烟尘净化装置设计条件分析    14
    3.1 焊接方式及烟尘成分分析    14
    3.2 焊接烟尘净化处理方法分析    16
    3.2.1 固体颗粒物净化处理    16
    3.2.2 气体有害污染物处理    17
    3.2.3 处理后污染物排放分析    18
     3.3 本章小结    18
    4. 新型焊接烟尘净化装置设计方案分析    19
    4.1 新型焊接烟尘净化装置设计方案制定的标准    19
    4.1.1焊接烟尘容许浓度    19
    4.1.2常见有害物质在车间空气中的最高允许值    19
    4.2 提出新型焊接烟尘净化装置设计方案    20
    4.2.1驱动装置    20
    4.2.2收集装置    21
    4.2.3固体颗粒烟尘净化部分    22
    4.2.4有害气体净化部分    23
      4.2.5电源连接选择    23
    4.2.6综述    24
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