    摘  要:在目前竞争激烈的时代,企业竞争就是人才的竞争,企业要想获得竞争优势,必须通过培训开发来打造一支高水平、高素质的员工队伍。现在国内大多企业认识到了这一点,开始自己或者通过专业培训机构对企业员工进行培训,但是企业对员工培训开发的期望收益和现实收益有时可能不能达成一致,致使企业高层领导出现“培训无用论”、“为他人做嫁衣”的思想,最终放弃培训。作者通过阅读国内外知名企业的培训案例和相关书籍,研究大多数企业在对员工进行培训开发时的企业期望收益和员工个人的期望收益,通过何种方法来平衡期望收益和现实收益之间的差距,并对企业在员工培训开发过程中的风险进行研究,得出企业如果事先对员工培训开发过程中的风险进行控制,那么企业进行员工培训开发将会收到较好的效果,实现企业和员工的双赢。24676
    Enterprise Staff Training and Development of Expected Income Assessment and Risk Control
    Abstract:In the current era of intense competition, the enterprise competition is talented person's competition, the enterprises to gain competitive advantage, must through the training and development to build a high level and high quality staff. Most domestic enterprises realize it now, start your own or through professional training institutions for training for enterprise employees, but the enterprise to staff training and development of expected income and real income can sometimes cannot agree, the enterprise top leadership training "useless theory", the thought of "doing good for others, give up the training. The author through reading training cases of well-known enterprises at home and abroad and related books, the most enterprises in employee training and development of enterprise expected return and the expectations of inpidual income, through what method to balance the expectation gap between income and real income, and in the process of employee training and development of the enterprise risk, it is concluded that enterprise if prior to control risks in the process of employee training and development, the enterprise staff training development will receive good effect, realize win-win situation of enterprises and employees.
    Key  Words:human resources;training and development;expected return;risk control
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