    摘要:在这个竞争激烈的知识经济时代,企业要使自己的员工不断地适应新形势的发展要求,就要对员工进行培训, 因为及时、有效、连续、有计划的培训,是保持和增强企业活力,适应经济发展的有效措施。在知识经济时代,人才是企业最重要的资本,员工培训是对人力资本最重要的投资。员工培训和开发不仅可以帮助员工增加新信息、新知识、新技能,还可以增强企业竞争力。在人力资源积累和不断更新的过程中,培训成为不可或缺的手段。当前,很多企业虽然已经对员工培训工作给予了很高的重视,对员工培训也投入了很大的热情和财力。但是应该如何分析所在企业的员工培训工作是否完善,需要如何改进,如何提高培训工作的有效性,成为很多企业面临的问题。因此探讨企业员工培训问题及对策研究,对于加强员工工作的知识和技能和企业的实力得到提升具有现实意义。24679
    毕业论文关键词:格力电器(郑州)有限公司   员工培训   培训需求分析
    Gree Electric appliances co., LTD. Staff training problem and countermeasure research
        Abstract: In this competitive era of knowledge economy, the enterprise to make their employees constantly meet the development requirements of the new situation, to train employees on because timely, effective, continuous and systematic training, is to maintain and enhance the vitality of enterprises, to adapt to the economic development of the effective measures. In the era of knowledge economy, talents are the most important capital, enterprise staff training is the most important thing for human capital investment. Employee training and development can help employees not only add new information, new knowledge, new skills, also can enhance enterprise competitiveness. In the process of human resources and constantly updated, training to become indispensable means. At present, many enterprises have to gave high attention to staff training work, also spent a lot of enthusiasm for employee training and financial resources. But how should analysis in the enterprise's staff training work is perfect, need to how to improve, how to improve the effectiveness of the training work, become a lot of enterprises are faced with the problem. Therefore discusses the enterprise staff training problem and countermeasure research, to strengthen the work of the staff knowledge and skills, and the strength of the enterprise get promoted has the practical significance.
       Key Words: Zhengzhou Gree Company;employee Training ; Training Demand Analysis
     目    录

    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一 、相关理论概述    3
    (一)培训的概念    3
    (二)培训的特点    3
    (三)培训的程序    3
    二、 格力电器有限公司员工培训的现状    4
    (一)格力电器有限公司简介    4
    (二)格力电器有限公员工培训现状    4
    三、 格力电器有限公司对员工培训的存在问题    5
    (一)培训走形式,针对性不强    5
    (二)没有对员工接受培训的行为产生适当的激励    6
    (三)培训效果没有有效考核、确认    6
    (四)没有对员工进行培训有效的需求调查    7
    (五)员工的自我培训以及职业生涯规划缺乏指导    7
    四、 解决格力电器有限公司员工培训问题的对策    8
    (一)培训内容要有针对性,培训形式和方法要多样化    8
    (二)重视培训效果评估并据此进行合理的激励制度    9
  1. 上一篇:浅谈企业员工情绪管理+文献综述
  2. 下一篇:基于培训有效性的企业员工培训问题及对策探讨
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