
    摘要:近几年来,食品行业都打出了健康食品的口号,靖江双鱼牌肉脯也不例外。对于食品企业来说,不仅要注意产品生产时的质量控制外,而且必须保证产品在销售渠道上的质量。实践证明,在如今肉脯行业同质化趋势较严重的情况下,谁能把握好消费者,谁能在营销渠道的建设上精益求精,谁就能在市场上占主导地位。因此,在营销过程中,营销渠道成为企业竞争中的重要手段。面对日益激烈的行业竞争,靖江双鱼食品有限公司如何突破营销渠道的这个“瓶颈”,寻求更大的发展空间是企业必须投入精力加强研究的一个重要课题。本文通过对营销渠道内容与靖江双鱼食品有限公司背景描述,再运用实地考察的方式,找出靖江双鱼食品有限公司营销渠道存在的问题,同时给出相应的解决措施。 67873


    Abstract: For the recent years, the food industry likes to develop with the slogan of “Healthy Food “, including the dried meat factory “Jingjiang Pisces Food Co., LTD.” From their side, it’s very important to make sure the quality not only in the production, but also in the product marketing channels. Practice proves that with more meat industry homogeneity trends nowadays, which industry grasps the consumer and keeps improving on marketing channel construction, it will be dominate in the market. Thus how to build and extend the marketing channel has become more and more important in the industrial competition. In this situation, the factory must put more effort to study how to break the bottleneck of marketing channel and seek more space for development, such as Jingjiang Pisces Food Co., LTD. We referred, it’s a good case that worth studying in this respect .This article will describe the marketing channel content and the background of Jingjiang Pisces Food Co., LTD, with the method of field trips to find out the problems, and show the corresponding solutions.

    Keywords:Jingjiang Pisces,marketing channel,consumers

    目  录

    1  前言 3

    2  研究背景 3

    2.1  营销渠道的基本概念及功能 3

    2.2  公司简介 3

    3  靖江双鱼食品有限公司渠道现状 4

    3.1  传统营销渠道 4

    3.2  现代营销渠道 5

    4  靖江双鱼公司营销渠道存在的问题 5

    4.1  直接渠道存在的问题 5

    4.2  间接渠道存在的问题 5

    4.3  网络营销渠道存在的问题 6

    5  靖江双鱼公司营销渠道问题的解决方案 7

    5.1  直接渠道问题的解决方案 7

    5.2  间接渠道成员间忠诚度低的解决方案 8

    5.3  网络营销渠道的解决方案 9

    结 论 10

    参 考 文 献 11

    致 谢 12

    1  前言


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