    关键词  体育赛事  社会效益  社会效益评价指标体系
    毕业论文外 文 摘 要
    Title  Influence of Large Scale Sports Events on the Economy and Society of Jiangsu                                 
    Large sports events can continuously promote the improvement of the level of competitive sports, show China's strong comprehensive strength , promote the solidarity of the people of all nationalities, and be conducive to the development of friendly diplomatic exchanges with other countries. The large-scale sports event  have a lasting ,indirect and intangible radiation effect on the whole city  and the entire national social benefits . As the present study focuses on the social benefits of qualitative level, there is no an intuitive and operable evaluation index system, which can objectively and correctly evaluate the operation of the events   . Therefore, using Telfi's method to design a social benefit evaluation index system,which is objective, scientific and effective,to provide a basis and reference for the government an enter is meaningful to the government and enterprises of the host city  . Firstly, the concept of sports events and social benefits were defined, and then the two rounds of questionnaire through Delphi method ultimately determined  3 first class indicators, 10  Secondary indexes and 44 level-three indexes. After that, the weight of each index in the evaluation index system was analyzed to provide the government and enterprises  a  standard scale. The analysis of the weight of various indicators of evaluation system shows that the ratio of soft environment of the host city is 0.5396, more than the rest of the two level of index .In second place, the function of infrastructure,and then,the effect of  the development of people.
    Keywords  Sports events  Social benefits  Social benefit evaluation index system  
    目   次
    1  引言 1
    1.1  问题的提出 1
    1.2  国内外关于该课题的研究现状及趋势 1
    1.3  研究目的 4
    2  研究对象与方法 5
    2.1  研究对象 5
    2.2  研究方法 5
    2.2.1  文献资料法 5
    2.2.2  专家访谈法 5
    2.2.3  问卷调查法5
    2.2.4  层次分析法 5
    3  相关概念的界定及研究 6
    3.1  体育赛事的界定 6
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