    关键词  农村最低生活保障制度 社会公平 法制建设
    Title   Analysis of the Rural minimum living standard security system ---Obstacles and Countermeasures                                       
    Rural minimum living security system have protected the rural basic living allowance since 2007 implemented across the country. After gradually losing the economic development system of farmers relying on the land . Medical problems of rural residents, children education, pension issues have been a serious threat to the basic living of  farmers. The establishment of a socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics making the mode of farmers relying on the land subsistence survival lopsided. Establish and improve the rural minimum living security system is imperative. During operation, the minimum target selection injustice, supervision and management in place, the level of protection is limited, insufficient funding is also seriously affected the overall  work. In this paper,in the background of the rural minimum living standard security system being set up , i come out some suggestions by the analysis of the obstacles of the establish process.
    Keywords  Rural minimum living standard security system   Social Justice    Legal Construction
    目   次
    1  引言    3
    1.1研究背景和意义    3
    1.2研究综述    3
    1.3研究内容和方法    4
    2  完善农村最低生活保障制度的必要性    6
    2.1我国农村低保制度实施现状    6
    2.2建立农村最低生活保障制度的必要性    7
    3 建立农村最低生活保障制度的基本原则    8
    3.1依据科学原则的必要性    8
    3.2基本原则    8
    4 我国现行农村低保制度的问题分析    10
    4.1农村最低生活保障线划定没有依据科学原则    10
    4.2政府对农村最低生活保障的重视度不足    11
    4.3农村最低生活保障制度资金来源不足    12
    4.4农村最低生活保障制度缺乏健全的法律监督体系和配套政策    13
    5完善我国农村低保制度的思路与对策    15
    5.1依据科学的原则划分农村最低生活保障线    15
    5.2加强政府对农村低保问题的重视    16
    5.3增加低保资金的投入    17
    5.4建立健全低保制度法律监督体系和配套政策    17
    结  论    19
    致  谢    20
    1  引言                   
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