    Tencent Company Development Strategy Research Based on The SWOT Analysis
        Abstract:The formulation of the development strategy of Tencent company is affected by various factors. In one hand,Tencent company has a huge user network, abundant funds and other advantages ,also has a wide range of problems, lack of innovation and some other disadvantages; on the other hand, in the face of external intelligent mobile phone penetration, online games market fiery and other external opportunities and deterioration of the competitive environment, imperfect laws and regulations and other environmental threats. Through in-depth research on Tencent company's internal and external environment, using SWOT analysis to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges in the development of Tencent company , and to plan the strategic target , positioning and selection of Tencent company, combined with the problems for the company's future development put forward the corresponding countermeasure and the suggestion, hope to to provide a reference for the development of other Internet companies.
      Keywords: SWOT; Tencent;development strategy
    摘    要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、腾讯公司发展概况    2
     (一)发展历程    2
    (二)发展现状    3
    (三)存在的问题    5
    二、腾讯公司发展战略的内部环境分析    7
    (一)腾讯公司内部优势分析    7
    (二)腾讯公司内部劣势分析    9
    三、腾讯公司发展战略的外部环境分析    11
    (一)腾讯公司外部机会分析    11
    (二)腾讯公司外部威胁分析    13
    四、基于SWOT分析的腾讯公司的战略定位和路径选择    14
        (一)战略目标    16
    (二)战略定位    16
    (三)战略选择    16
    五、腾讯公司战略实施对策探索性建议及启示    19
    (一)腾讯公司战略实施对策探索性建议    19
    (二)对中国互联网企业发展的启示    21
    参考文献    23
    致谢    24
    基于SWOT分析的腾讯公司发展战略研究 前言
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