    摘  要:中国是一个人口大国,巨大的人口数量,持续的经济发展使中国手机行业拥有极大的发展潜力。在第二十一世纪,手机行业的竞争越来越激烈。中国手机行业迅速发展并走向成熟,一些国外知名的厂商都渐渐被淘汰出局,同时经济的发展和技术的提高对各大手机厂商提出了更高的要求。现今的发展、智能移动电话的普及开发,对于国内外手机厂商来说,机遇和挑战并存。面对日趋激烈的竞争,如何在中国手机市场立足,成为三星手机市场发展的重点之一。在对三星手机营销策略研究与分析过程,结合三星手机市场营销策略存在的不足,提出相应的产品创新设计,产品的价格定位,开发特殊渠道,加强广告宣传等对策。希望能本文的研究对于三星手机的发展和其他手机公司的发展产生一定的参考意义。31646
    Research on Samsung Mobile Marketing Strategy
        Abstract:China is a populous country, the huge size of the population and sustained economic development the Chinese mobile phone industry has great potential for development.  From the introduction of the right foot machine market in China in the beginning to now, many international brands have entered China to build production bases, to seize the Chinese mobile phone market. Development of China's mobile phone industry continues to mature. Into the century, the increasingly fierce competition in the mobile phone industry. At the same time the economic development and technological progress of the major mobile phone manufacturers put forward higher requirements. Today's development, the popularity of smart phones, cell phones for domestic and foreign manufacturers, opportunities and challenges.Faced with increasingly fierce competition, how in the Chinese mobile phone market foothold, Samsung has become one of the key development.Research and analysis Samsung marketing strategy process, combined with the inadequacies of Samsung mobile phone marketing, the corresponding proposed product design innovation, product price positioning, development of special channels to strengthen advertising and other countermeasures.hoping to through this study for the development of Samsung mobile phones and other mobile phone companies have a certain reference value development.
    Key words: Samsung mobile;Marketing; Marketing Environment;Innovation
    目    录

     摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、相关理论概述    2
    (一)市场营销策略的概念    2
    (二)影响市场营销策略的因素    3
    (三)三星手机市场概况    3
    二、三星手机市场营销策略现状分析    3
    (一)产品策略分析    4
    (二)价格策略分析    5
    (三)渠道策略分析    5
    (四)促销策略分析    6
    三、三星手机市场营销策略中存在的问题    7
    (一)产品无法突出设计,缺乏创新    7
    (二)产品营销费用过大,高价定位    7
    (三)渠道类别多成本高,冲突严重    8
    (四)促销广告宣传不足,活动较少    8
    四、三星手机市场营销策略的优化建议    9
    (一)坚持设计创新,建设品牌活动    9
    (二)采取撇脂定价,控制零售价格    9
    (三)开发特殊渠道,提高产品销量    10
    (四)重视推广活动,加强宣传力度    10
    参考文献    12
    致谢    13
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