    production enterprise logistics development countermeasure research
    Abstract: LNcompany established in 1990, after 20 years of development efforts, has almost become the representative of the Chinese clothing enterprise LN company type enterprise, is the international leading sports brand company.
    In recent years, with the rapid development of our country economy continued, after the reform and opening, the expansion of commodity circulation make the circulation industry and related industries to get fast development, as the third industry, garment industry has become the main body of economic income.
    At first, this paper discusses the method to reduce logistics cost of LN company, through the analysis of enterprise products and services, enterprise logistics system in the case to complete the enterprise products matching with reduce logistics cost optimization. To reduce logistics cost as the basis of research, reference of domestic and international logistics development experience, to study the logistics cost for the LNcompany, in the understanding of X company logistics development status, development trend analysis company, solve in the development of logistics in the logistics back against the phenomenon, the company development strategy is put forward.
    Swot analysis for the present situation of LN company first, by understanding the development status and related products and services, provide the basis for reducing LN company reduce logistics cost, through the books and periodicals, the collection of literature, network information, combined with the method of qualitative and quantitative analysis, for the LNcompany logistics development put forward constructive Suggestions.
    Expand competitive advantage is to enhance enterprise core competitiveness, the enterprise core competitive ability is considered to be the important guarantee of enterprise expand the competitive advantage in the market. The development of enterprises should be based on the changes in the environment, adopt the strategy of the integration of production logistics, reduce the production of the profits and losses of the enterprise activity phenomenon, the waste and reduce the profit and loss phenomenon.
    Keywords: reduce logistics cost, the status quo analysis, data analysis, the countermeasures and Suggestions
    目  录
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)研究的目的和意义    1
    (三)研究方法    3
    二、生产企业物流相关理论综述    3
    (一)物流的概念及流程    3
    (二)生产物流的概念    3
    (三)生产物流的流程    4
    三、 某生产企业物流现状分析    5
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