    Festival activities of millet mobile phone marketing effect analysis
    Abstract: the insane “ double eleven ” shopping Carnival once again opened the curtain, the official said millet, the millet phone line of products will be involved in the electricity supplier war, at 0:00 on November 11th onwards, on Millet phone Tmall flagship store, there will be 110000 units, 110000 units of red  millet phone 3, millet phone 2S, 110000 50000 open purchase millet box. It is reported that in the double eleven day, millet phone Tmall flagship store to the mobile phone accessories sell a minimum 7 fold, 99 yuan shipping, and will launch a variety of products of spike activity, for millet fans, it is a product of millet phone line feast, previously millet Tmall flagship store was on the line, but mainly in mobile phone accessories sales oriented.In the first months launch, by far the fastest mobile phones millet 3 had three rounds of open purchase, has a total of 300000 sets of millet 3 sold out. Li Wanjiang millet company co-founder vice President, said "millet attention than the imagination, in order to meet the market demand, more millet in November 3 capacity to millions of level, which can ease the contradiction between supply and demand, in a double tenth during the activity, millet mobile phone for the first time after a product's largest scale of investment, to protect double tenth one activity, millet in warehousing, logistics well prepared in advance, to ensure that the user experience."
    Key Words: , Tmall , double eleven, millet phone
    目 录
    引 言    1
    一、绪论    2
    (一) 研究背景和意义    2
    1. 课题的研究背景    2
    2. 课题的研究意义    2
    (二) 研究的现状和发展趋势    3
    1. 课题的研究现状    3
    2. 课题的研究发展趋势    4
    二、会展对企业公共关系作用分析的调查问卷    5
    (一) 调查方法    5
    (二) 数据分析方法    5
    (三) 样本分布    6
    (四) 分析报告    7
    三、结论    25
    四、小米手机在节庆营销活动中的作用分析    26
    (一) 节庆营销策略分析    26
    (二) 小米手机与节庆营销的结合    26
    (三) 小米手机的成功及发展建议    27
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