    毕业论文关键词: 幸福指数;上海本地居民;上海外来居民
    Investigation, comparion of happiness index between local residents and immigrants in Shanghai and the inspiration from them
    Abstract: Shanghai is a China's biggest city with the strong economy. People's quality of life has significantly developed because of the economic development in Shanghai. However, the slogans like Escape from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou and the title of Magic city act as a 'wake-up call' to the public. Report on the Work of the Government in 12th Five-Year Plan in 2011 proposed that we should slow down development of GDP and speed up people’s happiness. It has been 4 years since the suggestion was offered. It’s important to investigate whether local residents and immigrants in Shanghai are happy, which group is much happier, how we can improve happiness index and how we can balance the different requirements on happiness. In this paper I’d like to know and analyze the general happiness index in shanghai, the difference in happiness index between local residents and immigrants with different identities in Shanghai, Finally, I’d like to find the solutions to improve happiness index of local residents and immigrants with different identities in Shanghai and balance the different requirements on happiness.
    KeyWords: happiness index; local residents in Shanghai; immigrants in Shanghai
     目  录
    引  言    1
    一、文献综述与研究构思    2
    (一)文献综述    2
     1、幸福及幸福指数概念的来源与界定    2
     2、幸福指数的影响因素    2
     3、幸福指数的指标体系及测量方法    2
    (二)研究构思    3
     1、研究目标与方案    3
     2、研究方法    3
    二、上海本地居民与外来居民幸福指数现状、差异及原因    4
    (一)上海总体幸福指数现状    4
    (二)上海本地居民与上海外来居民幸福指数的异同    6
     1、上海本地居民与上海外来居民对幸福的理解    6
     2、以身份为导向的上海本地居民与上海外来居民幸福指数的现状差异及原因分析    6
    三、采取社会工作方法对幸福感较低人群进行干预    9
    (一)对访谈对象的选取    9
     1、基本资料    9
     2、背景资料    9
    (二)对访谈对象幸福感低下的原因分析    9
     1、生理原因    9
     2、心理原因    9
     3、家庭原因    10
    (三)介入目标    10
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