    苏州乡村旅游营销策略研究摘要:在我国,外企管理人员及公务员全年休假约124天,教师和学生全年休假约140天,退休人员则大多赋闲在家,充足的休闲时间为乡村旅游提供了时间保证。而在城市长期生活的人们由于受到城市环境、工作和生活的压力,非常渴望到乡村进行观光旅游,体验大自然的亲和力和美感,进行自我放松。而且中国基础设施建设不断完善,交通条件越来越好,在这诸多因素的推动下,中国乡村旅游遇到了难得的发展机遇,从而使各大景区加大了对宣传营销的耗资。苏州市2012 年投入8亿元用于对旅游的宣传和营销,但是高额的宣传费用不一定带来相应的宣传效果,而是取决于市场定位、营销策略和宣传手段。而且旅游营销具有很强的时代性和鲜明的独特性,需要与时俱进。我们要抓紧当前我国旅游业发展突飞猛进的这个时期,充分了解旅游发展的特点的新鲜呈现,如产业融合成为热点、产业集聚不断加强等,满足各色旅游需求,旅游环境首选综合化、旅游出行偏向自助化、旅游产品追求个性化等一系列的变化意着对旅游景区营销的方法和实践都应该进行重新的思考和总结。在2.1部分详细介绍了苏州市乡村旅游现有的营销手段,看似完整的营销系统背后,却存在着一些不容忽视的问题。本文针对这些问题,以科学规划为原则,从苏州乡村旅游营销的现状及存在的问题出发,对苏州乡村旅游营销手段存在的问题提出有建设意义的建议。32696
    毕业论文关键词:苏州  乡村旅游  营销策略
     Research On Suzhou Rural Tourism Marketing Strategy
    Abstract: In our country, the foreign enterprise management staff and civil servants are off about 124 days throughout the year, teachers' and students' annual leave are about 140 days,  retirees are mostly unemployed at home, plenty of leisure time  guarantees enough time for rural tourism .Due to the urban environment, work and life pressure, people who live in cities for a long time are eager to have a rural tourism , to experience nature's  affinity and beauty, to relax themselves. Moreover, with China's infrastructure constructions have been improving and the traffic condition is getting better and better, rural tourism in China encountered a rare opportunity for development, so as to increase the cost of the major scenic spots of promotion and marketing. In 2012 ,800 million RMB is invested in the tourism promotion and marketing,however,the high cost of advertising does not necessarily bring the corresponding propaganda effect, but depends on the market positioning and marketing strategies and means of publicity. Tourism marketing has a strong modernity and sharp uniqueness, it needs to keep pace with the times. We must seize this period of the current development of China's tourism industry make a spurt of progress, to fully understand the characteristics of fresh tourism development, such as industrial integration, industrial agglomeration has become the focus of strengthening, to meet the various demand of tourism, tourist travel, preferred integrated tourism environment to change partial self, the pursuit of personalized tourism products and a series of means the method and practice of tourism marketing should rethink and summarize. In the 2.1 part of this paper ,it introduces the existing Suzhou rural tourism marketing strategy in detail, there are a few problems that can not be ignored  behind the seemingly complete marketing system .Following principles of scientific planning,this paper,based on the current situation of marketing and the existing problems of Suzhou rural tourism, puts forward constructive suggestions for  existing problem of the rural tourism marketing strategy.
    Key Words: Suzhou city,   Rural tourism,  Marketing strategy 
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