    毕业论文关键词:农村居民点 潜力分析 整理模式  睢宁县
    Research on Issues of Land Consolidation at Rural Residential Sites of SuiNing County
    Abstract: With the development of Chinese society, all types of construction are advancing like a raging fire. The demand for land is increasing. At the same time, the contradiction between people and ground is more drastic. So we should take actions to solve these problems. Issues of the land consolidation at rural residential sites are the effective measures to work out these problems.
    This paper takes SuiNing County of Jiangsu Province as the research object. According to the local reality, we analyze the practical problems of the land consolidation at rural residential sites. Also, we calculate the academic and practical potential of SuiNing’s land consolidation at rural residential sites with AHP. According to the result, we classify the different areas of potential. Finally, we give some suggestions to select an appropriate way for the land consolidation at rural residential sites.
    Key Words: Residents in Rural areas; Potential Analysis; Consolidation Mode; SuiNing County
    目 录
    1绪论    1
    1.1研究背景及意义    1
    1.1.1研究背景    1
    1.1.2研究意义    1
    1.2国内外研究现状    2
    1.2.1国内关于农村居民点整理的研究现状    2
    1.2.2 国外关于农村居民点整理的研究现状    2
    1.3研究内容和技术路线    2
    1.3.1研究内容    2
    1.3.2技术路线    2
    2研究区概况    3
    2.1睢宁县概况    3
    2.1.1睢宁县行政区位    3
    2.1.2 自然条件    4
    2.1.3社会经济条件    4
    2.1.4土地利用现状    4
    2.2睢宁县农村居民点现状    5
    2.3睢宁县农村居民点存在的问题及问题的成因    6
    2.3.1主要问题    6
    2.3.2 问题成因    6
    3睢宁县农村居民点整理的效果评价    6
    3.1农村居民点整理的理论潜力    6
    3.1.1农村居民点理论潜力的计算方法    6
    3.1.2睢宁县农村居民点的理论潜力    7
    3.2农村居民点的理论潜力分级    10
    3.2.1确定潜力系数    10
    3.2.2规定潜力分级的标准    11
    3.2.3潜力分级的结果    11
    3.3睢宁县农村居民点整理的现实潜力    12
    3.3.1构建农村居民点整理的现实潜力评价体系    12
    3.3.2睢宁县农村居民点整理的现实潜力测算分级    15
    4睢宁县农村居民点整理的模式选择    16
    4.1 睢宁县农村居民点整理模式选择的影响因素    16
    4.1.1经济效益因素    16
    4.1.2土地权属因素    16
    4.2睢宁县农村居民点整理模式的选择    17
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